Caramelicious #2
Fall 2020
Started in the pot again but starting autopot watering right away.
Day 87 (Week 13)
35 updates
96 photos
Day: 85

Day 47 flower. A couple days after the final defoliation. 3 gallon auto pots are definitely limiting further development of the kolas. Probably harvest in 2 weeks.
4 years ago
Day: 79

Day 41 flower. Fed some banana tea today. 1st time trying it. We’ll see how it goes...
4 years ago
Day: 68

Day 30 flower. Coming along nicely. Fed some more compost tea this morning
4 years ago
Day: 64

Day 26 flower. Stretchin and stacking. Hoping for some nice kolas to form over the next couple weeks.🤞🤞🤞
4 years ago
Day: 61

Day 23 flower. Plants bounced back well from yesterday’s defoliation.
4 years ago
Day: 60

Day 22 flower; 1st defoliation. Also top fed w compost tea and added some to pot reservoirs as well as smeared spent worm castings as a top dressing.
4 years ago
Day: 58

Day 20 of flower. Made a trellis adjustment in prep for 1st defoliation tomorrow. All is still looking good.
4 years ago
Day: 56

Day 18 of flower. Looking good.
4 years ago
Day: 56

Day 18 of flower. Looking good!
4 years ago
Day: 54

Day 16 of flower. Really shooting up in spots and messin up my canopy. Time for the net.
4 years ago
Day: 52

Day 14 of flower and these girls are really reaching for the light!
4 years ago
CraigBengfort How do you keep your temperature down, I have a sun system Exactly like yours in a 2x4 and I can’t get the temp below 78
posully Well, I live in Michigan and I keep my tent (5x5) in my basement which gets pretty cool in the wintertime.
posully I think a cmh 315 might be a little bit overkill in a 2x4 tent. But if your staying at or below 80, your plants should still be pretty happy.
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Day: 49

First sign of flower today
4 years ago
Day: 46

Day 8 of flower.
4 years ago
Day: 43

Droopy plants really bounced back after the foliar feeding: 2 Tablespoons Epsom salts in a gallon of water. Sprayed in right at lights out. Next day, BOOM!
4 years ago
Day: 40

First day of flower began last night at 9:00. Fed compost tea and will foliar feed tonight in effort to avoid becoming too root bound. Also moved the cmh light up to 19” above canopy. LED is about 13”.
4 years ago
Day: 32

Had to move the lights up today; to 18” for cmh, 16” for the led. Really growing now.
4 years ago
Day: 31

More LST adjustments and rotated plants to even out light exposure thus evening out the growth between plants in order to attain a nice even canopy. Plants responding well so far.
4 years ago
Day: 28

Raised my lights an inch or so as the plants are really taking off now. The two plants under the cmh are dramatically outperforming the two plants under the led fixture.
4 years ago
Day: 25

Started LST on the two tallest plants. Will start training the other two in a day or two. Humidifier died on me so my RH is stuck in the mid 30’s but temps remain consistently in the mid 70’s.
4 years ago
Day: 20

Keeping the humidity above 40% so far. Plants doing well.
4 years ago
Day: 18

Going strong. Looking pretty good at the two week Mark. 14 days since first sprouts.
4 years ago
Day: 17

Plants are now 3 nodes in and doing well!
4 years ago
Day: 15

Rear left quadrant (RLQ) plant is Defo growing slower than the others and I noticed that the CMH light was not centered between the two rear plants so I adjusted it so that it was centered. Also decided to remove the float valve covers to see if that creates more humidity inside the tent. Looks like the humidifier has taken a dump on me to so might have to get a new one.
4 years ago
Day: 14

Two clear nodes now on all 4 plants. Some downward curling on one plant. Very hard to keep humidity up as weather changes to colder; even with the humidifier running full power 24/7.
4 years ago
Day: 13

Still going well. All sprouts look healthy and happy. Outside temps have dropped and so has the rh in the tent. Hovering between low to mid 40’s.
4 years ago
Day: 12

All sprouts still growing and adding foliage now. Set both light fixtures at 18 inches as the plants look like they’re leaning pretty hard toward the light. Humidity drops quickly when the humidifier runs empty. Also turned the LED fixture to maximum brightness.
4 years ago
Day: 10

All sprouts still alive and kicking.
4 years ago
Day: 8

Finally got my rh up to 51% with the use of a humidifier. Also increased the light time to 19hrs on, 5 off. We’ll see if that shortens veg time. Also not sure why sprout #4 looks burned on one leaf but it seems to be growing fine otherwise so we’ll keep our eye on that one.
4 years ago
Day: 7

Sprouts seem to be off to a good start. Temp is steady at 73 degrees and Rh is staying around 45% with a humidifier running on high.
4 years ago
Day: 6

Sprout number 4! Now we’re off and running. Added a humidifier to try to up the RH which was around 38% but is now 47%. Still not ideal but Defo better.
4 years ago
Day: 5

Finally sprouted 3 of the seeds on day 4. Turned on lights after two sprouted to warm up the other seeds as I think the temp was too low to facilitate sprouting. Seems to have worked. Still waiting for seed #4...
4 years ago
Day: 0

Watered in seeds and started autopot system.
4 years ago