
Second Grow

Growing for a second try.

Second grow with unknown strain, amateur grower going all natural except for lighting which will be supplied via a grow light.

Unknown Strain

Day 155 (Week 23)

14 updates

63 photos

Day: 155

Second batch is being cured while another plant is still growing bc its a bit of a late bloomer

5 years ago


Mystrain420 U should look up growing techniques (topping,fiming & lst) lst is low stress training 👍🏾

neek247 Thanks, i was researching; hopefully the next grow goes good!

Day: 107


Out of the second batch and then giving some away I ended up with 2 females, I think one maybe full sativa plant because of the leaf blades but not to sure. Light cycle 12 Day - 12 Night 2 Weeks 2 Days Advice welcome!

5 years ago

SpeedyGrows aye wassup man good grow fir second but for your next run i would recommend to do lst(low-stress-training) to build up a canopy instead of having one long stalk this both increases yield and efficiency

neek247 Sure I will give that a go, thanks for that!

Day: 63


5 plants still going strong, watching them and watering them when needed; 1 plant had a bit of algae type slim on it so Im not to sure if Im going to bother with it I may just make it a test plant.

6 years ago

Day: 27


Plants have are gone through a continuous 24 hour cycle of light, I will see how they grow each week and adjust; also nothing special is being done Im just watering them and have them under a grow light. ADVICE WELCOMED!

6 years ago

Klaus42 Let them get sunlight if possible up to 6 hours a day but harden them off in the shade first so the sun doesn’t scorch them. Put a fan on them to strengthen the stems up when inside. Your plants will love the extra spectrum from the sunlight and you may also benefit by giving them at least 4 hours of complete darkness a day. Also when they start to flower switch them to a 12:12 light cycle and give them a nitrogen rich fertilizer but not too much because it’s just as bad as not enough. Hope this advice will help!

Day: 18

Still growing but I have also had a set back, leaving the window opened next to the plants has caused a few spider mites to intrude to my plants, so if you see leaves that look eaten its bc it was them; I’m hoping I got them all bc I haven’t seen any for a couple days. Wish me luck that they are all gone!

6 years ago

Day: 16

Gave a few seedlings away so its why you are seeing a decrease, one or two didn’t survive and rest were given away; should keep me busy for a while. You can see from the previous post that the leaves are growing larger, Im not sure how the double plant will pan out but we will see.

6 years ago

Day: 13


Leaves are growing larger on most of the plants, a couple are being a bit stubborn and dont want to open their leaves yet.

6 years ago

Dankhalo Are the sticks for support?

Dankhalo I know you didn’t ask but, If you put wind on them from day one, they’ll begin to produce the hormone for a thicker stalk. This removes the necessity for support. Putting a fan on low now will still help. Looking great! Keep it growing!

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Day: 12


Gave some plants away so this is why you see a reduction, lowered the light closer and they are growing each day.

6 years ago

Day: 8


Still sprouting and fighting the good fight to grow, Im going to be giving a couple of these away so you will see a decrease in the amount of plants; one also has a nutrient spike bc I want to see if it makes a difference in how the plants grow.

6 years ago

Day: 7


Plants have been transplanted and continue to grow, new light coming soon for this batch as they grow! But you can see the last photo there was 2 seeds planted in 1 by accident, lets just hope its not male and female; Im hoping female and female!

6 years ago

Day: 6


As you can see in less then 24 hours when the Day 5 photos were taken how many have popped out, I think I accidentally put 2 seeds in 1 pod; so that should be interesting to see what happens!

6 years ago

Day: 5


Some seeds are starting to sprout!

6 years ago

Day: 1

Unknown strain has been put into pods to start growing, they will stay in this state for a week or so I believe and then start sprouting.

6 years ago

Burntbudd This is how your germinating?

Day: 0

Watered pods, they absorbed the water and I wait a few hours and place the seeds inside to let the magic happen!

6 years ago