

Durban Twist Auto

High frequency fertigation

Two autos in coco indoors. 600W LED


Day 23 (Week 4)


7 updates

11 photos

Day: 23

Still no signs of flower. We’ll see if i get another topping in. One of the plants is missing a growth tip. Not sure how that will affect the training plan.

4 months ago

Day: 19


Day of the first chop! It’ll be a race over the next week between getting another topping in and signs of flowering showing up

4 months ago

Day: 17

One more node before we can top!!

4 months ago

Day: 15

They’re loving the bigger pots! Changed over to the first veg stage of feed today

4 months ago

Day: 13

Potted up into 1 gal fabric pots. 1/day fertigation

4 months ago

Day: 10

Coming along nicely. One more node and it’s done being a seedling

4 months ago

Day: 6

Moved from starting dome into coco in the tent. Begin fertigation with seedling mix

4 months ago