Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman

Ice Princess x Gluey 1

Summer 2024 Micro

She’s a Brothers Grimm tester seed prone to herm…wish me luck. I’m going to try a micro run in a 1 gal since she’s off to a late start for summer outdoors.

Ice Princess x Gluey 1

Day 30 (Week 5)


13 updates

15 photos

Day: 30

Didn’t make it

2 months ago

Day: 17

Transplanted this one as well. What I’m realizing as I take these Q Plugs apart is that my suspicions were correct - I moved them into dirt too soon (no roots ever made it beyond the plug into the dirt) so as I was watering the dirt around the plug the root was basically drying out. I’ve basically got to water the plugs from the bottom up and wait until the taproot emerges from the plug before putting it into the dirt.

2 months ago

Day: 15


2 months ago

Day: 14

Battling the winds

2 months ago

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman 💦 gave them all about 100mL for their effort. They took a beating today

Day: 13

Enjoying the higher humidity near the ocean

2 months ago

Day: 10

💦 More water today ph 6.8

2 months ago

Day: 9

It’s time to test these testers. I’m sick of waiting on them to get going (despite it being my fault, but fuck it) so we’re braving the wild today. 87F in the shade. Let’s see what happens…

2 months ago

Day: 8

💦 60 mL ph 6.6 with DynoMyco Spark

2 months ago

Day: 7


2 months ago

Day: 4

First too little water now too much. Stunted

3 months ago

Day: 3

We’re back

3 months ago

Day: 2

Moved her into dirt and gave her 💦 12mL ph 7 w Rapid Start. 1 gallon pot: 2 part ProMix HP 1 part extra Perlite 1 part EWC 2 tbsp DTE 4-4-4 1 tsp DTE Dolomite Lime 1 tsp DynoMyco

3 months ago

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman Update: totally flopping over. Not sure why - she got the same treatment as everyone else…too much water?

Jimbo Norman

Jimbo Norman Update: she was drying out. Perked back up after dropping another 5-10 mL of water on the Q Plug. I guess the RH is lower than usual (50ish) so she’s drying out faster than I’m used to.

Day: 1

We have life 🌱 Twinning

3 months ago