Juicy Fruit Photo
Summer 2020
4 juicy fruits from BCseedking. 100% sucess rate. 4 solo cups 3 with seran wrap one without
Juicy Fruit photo
Day 14 (Week 2)
7 updates
15 photos
Day: 14
Just got back. Transplanted to 7gal fabric pots and have them their first feed of mega crop (.4grams for 1 litre).
4 years ago
Day: 11
Still growing and looking great!
4 years ago
Day: 10
2 days since watering. Great growth. Super happy how they are looking so far. Haven’t started feeding them nutes yet.
4 years ago
Day: 8
About 2 inches high. Coming in nicely. Watering today. This is the first watering since they popped. Hum:45% temp 75/78
4 years ago
Day: 6
Got the microscope out today to get some cool pics
4 years ago
Day: 5
They are starting to open up now. Soil is fox farm happy frog and only feeding water at the moment. At about the 2-3 week mark I’ll start feeding them Mega crop
4 years ago
Day: 4
Plants are just peaking out of the soil. Fox farm happy frog.
4 years ago