


Christmas 2021

In pro-mix 12/8 popped 12/10

Ewok x Crem dela Chem

Day 99 (Week 15)

43 updates

81 photos

Day: 99

A little over an Oz end weight.

3 years ago

Day: 90

Day 2 since chop.

3 years ago


VAgrower Wish I had smell o vision


Vgrow Honestly I fucked up and the temp got to like 81 and rh 32 for a couple hours. I caught it as soon as I noticed. But now it’s been right around 60-60. Hopefully didn’t fuck it up to bad. It ain’t as sticky now.


VAgrower If it did chalk it up as a learning experience and try better next time. I’m sure it will still get you medicated tho lol

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Day: 87

Keeping in dark for a day or two

3 years ago


VAgrower Nice nuggies my friend

Day: 83

She looks ready. Flush the medium and wait till drys out before chop.

3 years ago


Caliban How are the trichomes looking?


Vgrow They like 5% amber. So by the time she dries out she be ready to chop.


Caliban Looking good man!

Day: 80


Getting ripping feed. Way farther along then thought. So probably start flush end of week.

3 years ago


Caliban Why are you flushing?


Vgrow I’ve been using general hydroponics on her. And want to get as much of it out the medium as I can.


Caliban Makes sense! I thought organic on this girl.

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Day: 75


Getting her a heavy bloom feed before I start backing down.

3 years ago

Day: 72

Needing water. Time for these buds to build up I hope.

3 years ago

Day: 68

Needing some feed starting to look a little better.

3 years ago

Day: 64

Getting about a half gallon of high PK bloom feed. Give a very little higher N also.

3 years ago

Day: 62

Moving to flower room. Will have to finish this auto under 12/12. Th RH way to high in veg tent for this girl in flower. Check if need feed tomorrow or next day.

3 years ago

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts I’m not an auto grower but I feel she’s gonna yield well regardless because her stretch is done and buds are about midway. Just an opinion 👍🏾👍🏾


Vgrow I think so as well. It be nice to get her to finish up with no deficiency.

mystrain420 _@eaegifts

mystrain420 _@eaegifts Yea that would be great, but as long as she smokes good

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Day: 59

Giving her a little TLOsoil top dress and just get a little kelp sugar water.

3 years ago

Day: 55


A little tea might help recharge the soil.

3 years ago

Day: 53


Just took this off her. I’m thinking a P and Mag deficiency bad. I was going to give her a feed with a big cal-mag dose. Hopefully it might help.

3 years ago


Vgrow Then again she feeling like she got plenty of water. So I don’t know what to do I guess wait a little longer then the feed with good dose of cal-mag. Or should I not wait and just give in the morning??

p4tr1ck Should probably wait a little better safe than sorry


Vgrow After checking again it should be ready by tomorrow or next day. I just really hope she is salvageable.

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Day: 50

Moisture soil check still pretty moist so waiting a little longer to let her dry out more before I feed.

3 years ago


lettuce97 you have alot of pollen there.


Vgrow What do you mean?


lettuce97 i mean theres a shit ton of pollen on this lady

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Day: 49

Hopefully she be ok, not sure if she got root rot or idk. I’m waiting for her to need water i over watered last time. Not seeing any roots on the bottom that’s why I’m thinking there’s probably a root problem. My last Ewok finished in 80 days not seeing this one doing that. I messed her up from the beginning.

3 years ago


Vgrow I’ll check soil moisture tomorrow and maybe give her just a few cups of food water and see what’s up. Any suggestions appreciated


colby_moore It looks kinda overwatered but it’s hard to say. How is the soil


Vgrow Soil still kinda wet figured wait a little to see what’s up.

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Day: 43

She asking for water, so she will receive

3 years ago


Vgrow I think I figured out these rust spots. I noticed that I’ve been feeding reservoir feed not drain to waist. So she been getting way high amounts of feed. Thinking just sugar water till see if it fixes

Day: 42

Not sure what’s causing this I’m thinking is from when I sprayed b-52 and wasn’t dry enough when light on. It’s all over this plant and spots on others that had a little spray left on. But it seems like it’s getting worse. So I’m also thinking VPD. I’ve been having difficulties keeping is stable. Hopefully all will be ok. After I get these all done. Everything get sterilized before restart.

3 years ago


Vgrow It’s not on all the plants in the tent. This auto is just getting hit the hardest. The others in veg still got it a little as well. But the big 4 gallon critical I got going has nothing on it. All in the same tent


Vgrow This is the last seed of one of my favorite strains I’ve grown. So I don’t want to trash it but if need to I will.


Vgrow Yea unless it gets everywhere. Hopefully all works out.

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Day: 40

Get fed today

3 years ago

Day: 39

A little LST bend the whole top over to match up with the bottom

3 years ago

Day: 37

Get fed today

3 years ago

Day: 33

17:00 Just got a good feed

3 years ago

Day: 32

Just taking some bud spots that won’t amount to anything. She in preflower was thinking about training but I don’t know which way. There is so many ways to LST and train

3 years ago

ImSoZooti Do the twist technique I got really god results from it


Vgrow What is the twist technique


budman0211 I’m thinking tie the top down and run it in a circle around the top of the container. 🤷‍♂️

Day: 31

Doing great since had trouble when put her into a soil that was way to hot. So I flushed it to nothing now got to bring her back. But getting a hair cut (F.I.M) again.

3 years ago

Day: 29

Still kinda heavy with water gut thinking won’t hurt to give her a cup of two of nutrients it looks like she needing them according to her leaves.

3 years ago


Vgrow Wound up giving her a few cups of food. Her leaves there are looking like they need it.

Day: 27

Still got plenty of weight water. So I guess I don’t give her anything. How is there any nutrients if I flushed the soil a while ago. I guess I keep watching and waiting.

3 years ago

Day: 27

What is this. The soil has been flushed and not been fed or watered because I was trying to wait till it dries up but I don’t think that will happen when there ain’t no roots on the bottom to absorb water probably. How can I fix this???? And what is it??

3 years ago


pjizzle What is ur medium? Can be a few things


Vgrow The medium is pro-mix AND FFOF was way fit so flushed the medium completely. I’m thinking it LACK of all NPK. But but sure how to reintroduce with the medium already wet.

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Day: 25


She looks like she doing better since the flush. Not sure what this is on the bottom fan leaves. Just waiting to give her anything she still pretty heavy got water. I figure when the leaves tell me then I’ll feed.

3 years ago


Vgrow Afraid to top since she just recovering. Maybe I’ll just F.I.M


budman0211 Hey bro if u look at my journal for this grow. These ladies were done 99% fimming and that’s what I end up with. No tying besides to keep them away from the light cause I fucked up. And the one I topped just because.


budman0211 You worry too much btw!! Hahaha. All of your ladies are beautiful! Haven’t seen one looking bad at all!! 👌

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Day: 23


17:12. Still heavy from the flush so when she not I’ll feed and water her.

3 years ago


Vgrow Being a super fast auto I probably fucked it up pretty good.

Day: 21


7:30. She slowly growing. Sux I had to flush the soil being an auto she really can’t afford to have all this slow grow time. Hopefully she starts bouncing back quick. With her under this much stress I might just fim instead of putting her through the stress from topping.

3 years ago

Day: 20


8:45. Well after the major flush of the median. The new growth isn’t canoeing anymore. But I guess I got to just wait to see if she makes it. If there is anything I can do to make sure she makes it would be nice to know.

3 years ago


combatmedic81 I would cut away the dead leaves, but that’s just me


Vgrow Yea I will.

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Day: 19


What’s this leaves are canoeing up and down. Maybe I should water now.

3 years ago


Vgrow Figured it out did a run off Ph was 5.2. That’s to low so flossing with phd water once the run off is the same as the water. Will probably put a little more water with fish fertilizer in it. And maybe some cal-mag. Not sure if I should wait till tomorrow to put the fish and cal-mag


kargofast Over watered, bucket us too big for the plant


Vgrow From the research I did the plant looked like that from ph swings. I just hope she will be ok.

Day: 19

8:30. I hope she bounces back. Probably my favorite strain I’ve grown and tried. And this is my last seed of it. I flushed her yesterday with ph water and fish ferry and seaweed. Hopefully that fix the way low ph problem.

3 years ago

Day: 18

Going to wait another day before I water. Leaves are just starting to show it needing.

3 years ago


Vgrow Looks like I got the leaves in the nutrients rich soil. Hopefully it will clear up after I feed tomorrow


Vgrow The moisture meter is saying she low, not out think I should mykos and seaweed and some rapid root to help her get going no NPK till I see how she reacts to the amended soil the was put in yesterday.


Vgrow Wanting to top by the 20 day mark in 2 days.

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Day: 17

Transplanted to 2g. Forever home. Moistened soil good at transplant and added mykos. Wait till plant tells me it needs water. Should be good on nutrients for a little. I guess I just have to wait for the plant to tell me what’s in the soil blend I put her in. Fingers crossed. It’s an auto so wanted to transplant asap,acap.

3 years ago


Vgrow At least that I transplanted so early she should be good to top in a few days.


Vgrow Thank you the soil is a combo of FFOF, FFHF, Pro-mix, with a little worm castings and I THINK that might be it. It’s just all the leftovers from other pots that I use so didn’t have to spend money. So probably will feed very light if any to see how she acts.

Day: 15

Just waiting on her to be thirsty

3 years ago


Vgrow It’s been a few days since fed needing to be transplanted to final pot. Thinking about mixing the pro-mix I got with FFOF.

Day: 14

Cup flood.

3 years ago

Day: 14

Looking good since got fed yesterday.

3 years ago

Day: 12

She looking good and cup feels almost dry. So not sure if I should give feed yet or wait till tomorrow.

3 years ago


Vgrow I’ll probably wait till day 14 at least for week 2 feed

Day: 11

Might get week 2 feed today or tomorrow.

3 years ago

ImSoZooti Should just continue using week one lowkey boss don’t wanna stress or stunt the grow with to much plus it still looks kinda small


Vgrow Ok I’m assuming since the main stem isn’t as straight up today so I’m guessing since few leaves it’s telling me it needs water??

ImSoZooti Yes sir

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Day: 10

Moving along waiting to flood the cup.

3 years ago


Vgrow I can’t wait till she starts going. She’s a quick one the last one i did of her seed to harvest in 70-80 days and way potent but I stunted the shit out of first one or half oz but top shelf.

Day: 8

30ml week 1 feed

3 years ago

Day: 7

Moving along

3 years ago

Day: 5

Waiting to feed

3 years ago