

Summer 18

Now what!


Day 16 (Week 3)

3 updates

3 photos

Day: 16

This one has holes so I’m guessing some sort of fricken mite! Wtf!

7 years ago


Wiser_greenery Yikes!! idk what that might be. Are their any signs of pest?

Day: 16

This one is showing signs of nutrient deficiency. I think!

7 years ago


Wiser_greenery What’s the ph of the water. Nute deficiency’s are easily mistaken for ph problems.

Spacedog81 Well the soil is 5.5 and not above the 7.0 mark.

Spacedog81 Oh but my water is testing at 7.8 and tds of 253! :-\

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Day: 16

I’m pretty sure this one has downs Reye’s syndrome. Jk. Those leaves are gnarly! Wtff is this?

7 years ago


Wiser_greenery Worry not my friend. Just let it grow. I had one (think the plant in the back pot) had really fucked up leaves too but then she get out with 3 main stems. So yeah that’s just plant Down syndrome lol