power of the flower

power of the flower

Let’s try to grow some CBD Auto Compassion Lime

Summer 2021

Started with germination in a coffee filter and after that she’s staying in Sun lounge Hotel 60x60 with 100 watt g-bars till she can go outdoors

CBD Auto Compassion Lime

Day 78 (Week 12)

12 updates

44 photos

Day: 78

Last day, tomorrow we’ll see what we have.

4 years ago

Day: 65


😜Oke nothing special happened this week so just some pictures of the lady .

4 years ago


m.garner07 Ooooooooh …. Beautiful!!!

Day: 57


😃 some nieuw pictures of the girl, the weather isn’t helping but it’ll change in a few days so she can get fat fat and fatter 😜she’s really smelly at the moment and not in a bad way.

4 years ago

Day: 57


4 years ago

Day: 51


Let’s show ourselves , seems healthy enough for me 😎

4 years ago

left handed cigarette

left handed cigarette Do you train your plants?

power of the flower

power of the flower Only when I grow indoors , this girl is a outdoor summer project she doesn’t need much help she only wants to shine.

left handed cigarette

left handed cigarette Cool I wanna try out door growing soon ! But I’m still getting the hang of the indoor thing

Day: 44

Oke this is not the weather I was hoping for 😡so I have to keep my fingers crossed and pray for the lord that there will be more ☀️sunlight

4 years ago

Day: 42

We had some bad weather issues again, more dark rainy days then sunny days but this girl don’t care about the weather she just want to grow. 😊

4 years ago

Day: 35

This week the weather was 2 days of storm rain and thunder real heavy but she still likes it😃

4 years ago

Raga Glitch

Raga Glitch Beautiful 🤩

power of the flower

power of the flower Thanks, we love to grow 😇

Day: 28

First week outside and she likes it

4 years ago

Day: 21

Today put her in her out outdoor and gave her some guerrilla taps and removed her to a 30l bucket, so let the sun shine and grow

4 years ago

Day: 18

Starting to grow and making her ready for outdoor living 😃

4 years ago

Day: 0

Seeds from Dutch Passion

4 years ago