Lemon Lovestone
Spring 2022
Two clones
Lemon Lovestone sativa
Day 142 (Week 21)
3 updates
3 photos
Day: 142

She’s been through a lot (first grow, with lots of “learning opportunities”), but I’m kind of proud of how she’s coming along. Judging by the ratio of gold pistils to white, I’m thinking there’s longer to go. Thoughts?
3 years ago
stick e fingerz Need to check trichomes to be exact
sistavan How do those look to you? When I zoom in they appear milky to me.
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Day: 134

Now two months into the move to flowering. Battled two pest issues AND over doing the nutrients by accident. Two of my six plants died outright, and the remaining four are sparsely flowering. Is there still a chance for them or do I chalk it up to a learning experience?
3 years ago
combatmedic81 Give them straight ph’ed water for a bit a see what happens
gpurps I’m with combat, you can try flushing it out with PH balanced water as well. Happened to one of mine too and she bounced back.
Day: 95

Our slowest growing plant, moved to flowering on 4/20 🙂
3 years ago
sistavan This plant has spider mites! I sprayed the leaves with neem oil, and will do so for the next two days, then move to weekly.