
Blueberry fem

25% perlite added half Ocean Forest half Happy Frog amended soil. 5 gallon vivosun fabric pot. Seeds from ILGM. Prescription blend nutrient line. 4x4 tent Tsw2000 mars hydro light

Blueberry fem

Day 29 (Week 5)

3 updates

3 photos

Day: 25

Shes still looking healthy, loving the more dry soil ive noticed. Still have not fed them ANYTHING along with my other photos using half ocean forest half happy frog, any ideas on when to start feeding? Im going to be using the prescription blend pack

4 years ago

Day: 21

I think these are a bit small for being almost a month old even for being phenos. My autoflower is doing great but am I trippin or should they be more big/bushier for being their age. They still look like baby seedlings lol

4 years ago

ChiTownMade1 About right since blueberry is a indica they grow small and bushy .


kermitklein From what I’ve seen your right on track mate👌

Day: 18

Lowered light about 2-3ft. Light changed from 25$ to 50%

4 years ago


Mystrain420 Par meter app or hand test for light distance and a fan to strengthen the stems

FiddlerFarms @mystrain420 I did download a meter app to see, what range should they be in?