
Grow 5


Ebb set up with clay pebbles, 2x Electric Sky for Veg / probably will use HPS with LEDs

Cookies & cream/Forbidden Fruit/9lb

Day 81 (Week 12)

19 updates

55 photos

Day: 81

pH 6.5 Rain water

5 years ago

Day: 78

Nutes - House of Garden Wk 2 VEG Soil - pH 6.6 EC 2.0 Hydro - pH 5.6 EC 2.8 Added a PVC frame for scrog net

5 years ago

Day: 74

Nutes - House of Garden Wk 2 VEG Soil - pH 6.1 EC 2.0 Hydro - pH 5.5 EC 1.9

5 years ago

Day: 70

Nothing new just pH rain water for soil with calmag

5 years ago

Day: 69

Nutes - House of Garden Wk 2 VEG Soil - pH 6.4 EC Hydro - pH 5.7 EC

5 years ago

Day: 66

Nutes - House of Garden Wk 2 VEG Soil - pH 6.6 EC Hydro - pH 6.1 EC

5 years ago

Day: 65

Daily Pics

5 years ago

Day: 64

Rain water day

5 years ago

Day: 60

Few days after transplanting to 3 gal plastic bag

5 years ago

Day: 59


Reveg two Cookies and Creams from Grow 4

5 years ago

Day: 58

Transplant some 1gal to 3gal Moved into 5 x 6 from 2 x 4 Bought MH 1000w Full Spec bulb

5 years ago

Day: 57

Plants are finally recovering from being moved into EBB/Finally fixed my pH issue

5 years ago

Day: 50


Day 50-54ish Trained/lollipop in 2x4 Took clones (update - all died cause I suck)

5 years ago

Day: 38


pH res at 6.4 Defoliate back room veg And clone a few plants Lower LEDs

5 years ago

FadedHoesPharm Mothers Nature bagseed = male

Day: 37


pH res 5.7-5.9 Added root boosters to res Seedlings are looking healthy and bouncing back from bad pH and lockout Did some LST

5 years ago

Day: 33

Add 3 gal of jack nutes into reservoir and pH at 5.9-6.0 Fed Jack nutes at 6.5 on soil plants

5 years ago

Day: 30

Still vegging, increase intensity of electric sky LEDs I moved another plant from flower and revegging Add more soil to fill out the bag Replaced C&C#3 with #6 with better roots

5 years ago

Day: 28

Transferred 2 C&C and 1 FF into 1 gals Moved 1 Blue Cookies from flower back to veg - it’s in week 5 of flower and buds look like week 1 pH both reservoir to 5.9

5 years ago

Day: 24

Plants are less than 6inches Found out we were flooding for 4 hours instead of 1 hour, fix that and replaced one of the C&C#3 with another one from veg tent

5 years ago