
LSD & Pineapple chunk chlones

Authum 2019

4-4 clones taken from both LSD & Pineapple chunk plants before flowering.

PSD & Pineapple chunk

Day 25 (Week 4)

4 updates

5 photos

Day: 25

The last remaining pineapple chunk clone grew roots finally (although towards the light). The last LSD plant was transferred into soil as well.

5 years ago

Day: 24

All LSD grew roots in both soil and growing cubes, but no sign of roots on the Pineapple chunk yet.

5 years ago

Day: 7

There are still no signs of rooting, although plants look healthy green. 1 pineapple chunk clone died, but was replaced with a stem broken accidentally.

5 years ago

Day: 1

Clones were placed into growing cubes, although rooting hormones were not used. The plant is on a 20/4 light cycle. Leafs were trimmed for faster rooting.

6 years ago