Cheese Auto (Canuk) / Easy Bud (RQS
winter 19-20
One Cheese Auto freebie by Canuk and 2 Easy Bud by RQS grown in 3x2x5 tent. Using: Fox Farm Happy Frog 5 gallon fabric pots 1000 w LED Bestva Will be adding what nutes later
Cheese, Easy Bud
Day 6 (Week 1)
2 updates
5 photos
Day: 6
Slight upward growth. Able to see the 2 set of leaves coming in. Trying to keep things moist in the desert is hard. Going to be switching to distilled water in the humidifier to avoid calcium build up on equipment.
5 years ago
Day: 5
plants are about 3/4-1 inch tall, on 24/0 light schedule. Misting soil 2-3 times per day. Humidity between 35-55%. Temp avg. 79 F. Sprouted in Rapid Rooter Cubes 10/25, Transferred to fabric pots 10/28.
5 years ago