White Widow hydro grow style
Summer 2020
Trying this hydro ghetto rig I made out of a water bottle will transfer to 5 gallon bucket eventually
White Widow
Day 56 (Week 8)
8 updates
30 photos
Day: 56
Looking great
5 years ago
Day: 22
Growing one has had only soil n water the other had a little food
5 years ago
Mikevroknnike Using some blue light as well
Day: 22
Blue light treatment mix with t5 light!
5 years ago
Day: 15
I lost the smaller one! Tried to give it straight sunlight and it just died.
5 years ago
Day: 13
The leaves are looking a more healthier then last check in!
5 years ago
Day: 10
I put one is in a 2 liter sprite bottle I cleaned out! A Gatorade bottle and a water bottle
5 years ago
Day: 9
They are actually growing faster than my soil plants. Just as articles and everyone says.
5 years ago
Day: 8
Homemade Hydro 3 seeds in one
5 years ago