
Sensi research

Dads dream

Two research autoflowers from sensi seed growing in 20l fabric air pots in monkey soil evolution light mix. I will be using top crop autoflower, top candy and top bloom

Blueberry x skunk auto and hidu kush x kush auto

Day 9 (Week 2)

2 updates

4 photos

Day: 9

Both have dropped there seed casing now and have opened up fully, only a couple of cms tall at the moment but looking really good. I will lst train them both when they are at a bigger size.

5 years ago

Day: 3

Just planted the germinated seeds into two air pots and put under and led grow light which is a chinly 1000w (180 +3% actual power) Humidity is a bit lower than optimal because I have 3 plants about to finish so keeping the humidity at 45% for the next 3-4 days. Will then allow back to the natural 60% where I live.

5 years ago