
Day 26

Day 26

Day 26 first day of first problem I’ve encountered. I’ve noticed my top leaves looking a bit rough and pulled in sort of speak. After I topped last week my new growth below on lower nodes weren’t spreading out like I thought. I’ve been using a 1000 watt LED. I asked someone and he said it could be over nutrients or lighting. Well up till today I haven’t used any nutrients besides what’s in Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I’ve just been watering with good Ph balanced water. Soooo today I switched my 1000 watt light for a 600 watt LED. Great choice to do this. I hope with this change my plants won’t be as stressed and start reaching again. They really to be honest looked like they were closing in and hiding from the light. No tip burn or color change in leaves but the plants were talking to me. It’s good I sat back and listened. I spend a lot of time watching and looking at them. Because of that I can see issues faster and correct them.

Day 26

Day 26 (Week 4)

1 update

4 photos

Day: 26


Day 26

6 years ago