Verdantic City No Limits

Verdantic City No Limits

Legend OG


Germination Stage 3: Orientation

Legend OG

Day 2 (Week 1)

3 updates

5 photos

Day: 2


Germination Stage 3: Orientation Seedlings situated in makeshift 10 gallon grow bag (reusable shopping bag) and red plastic solo cup. Placed under blurple lights.

8 months ago

Day: 1

Germination Stage 2: Respiration Unfortunately no tails have produced yet during soaking. After 24 hours, seeds were removed from the solution and sandwiched between two moist cotton pads, placed in a labeled ziplock bag in a cardboard box under blurple lights. Will check in 72 hours for proper radicle development.

8 months ago

Day: 0

Germination Stage 1: Imbibition Two (2) seeds soaking in homemade germination/propagation solution placed on heating pad set to 84°F. Will check progression in 24 hours.

8 months ago