Outdoor mystery crop
Summer 23
Ended up with 15 females out of 24 plants that were started from seedlings
Mostly unknown of same variety + 2 blue cheese
Day 117 (Week 17)
6 updates
27 photos
Day: 117

More plants with 3 fingered leaves.
2 years ago
Day: 116

Re-Vegging? One two and three fingered leaves sprouted pretty rapidly like within a day or two all over these four plants! They also grew in size so much one of the stalks nearly doubled in diameter. I was freaked out I thought maybe they got pollinated somehow so I threw out the largest one. Then I learned that even a small amount of light during the plants dark period can keep it from doing what it needs to do to flower, and there’s an outdoor light that’s on all night out there. Which explains why those plants weren’t starting to flower yet when the rest of them are. I shut the light so I’m hoping they will adjust and begin flowering soon.
2 years ago
SaviiBuds Could she have ruderalis in her genetics? If so, the 3 leaves would be normal. There is also a duckfoot mutation that shows up sometimes. The light outside could for sure be messing with it and causing reveg, but stretching so much during early flower would be normal and if the genetics aren’t stable then mutations like this are seen fairly often. I would keep an eye on them for pollen sacs too if there was extra light at night and they got stressed into reveg then herm would be a concern as well. Pollen sacs grow in clusters so look for clusters forming at the nodes. You may have caught it early enough to prevent that though!
candykane4220 I’m not sure how to tell but that could be because I noticed this morning there’s three fingered leaves on some of my other plants that are doing great flowering and away from where that light is
Day: 109

Just starting to bud. Used tiger bloom today
2 years ago
Day: 109

Buds beginning! Doing something right but I also know I’ve done a lot wrong cuz these girls are lanky af…
2 years ago
rufus899 Should have topped them
doworkson89 I topped my outside plants about 20 times . You get a big giant bush with lots of bud sites. Check out my post
rufus899 I’m a first time grower and trying to learn new tricks and good product to use. I tried fimming ones the other day and hoping I did it right lol. Nice looking plants though
Day: 109

6/15 in this garden box along with some tomatoes, hoping that to other people it just looks like a tomato garden
2 years ago
Day: 94

This strain seems to grow tall fast. I’m busy with a one year old so I’ve been studying up on how to grow in my spare time which is few and far between. So by the time I learned about topping they were already 4 ft tall. I didn’t think to top before knowing the sex of each plant. I experimented with some, one I bent pretty good at the top and it got dark and bushy at the top and redirected itself upwards again. A few others I topped about a third of the way down. Not sure if that was the best thing to do or if I should leave them alone at this point. One in the bucket is so tall and skinny not sure how to fix that.
2 years ago