

Triple Threat

Spring 2021

Just put into soil. Using Fox Farms Ocean Forest soil and my own soil mix to foster the young seedling without overpowering it. Sat under a SF1000 LED light.

Northern Lights Auto - Original Harvest Seed

Day 53 (Week 8)

5 updates

9 photos

Day: 53

She is coming into flower nicely. Fully switched over to Fox Farms flowering nutes once a week. Watering less quantity more frequently.

4 years ago

Day: 40


Preparing to pollinate a couple of the lower sites. I am crossing with the pollen from my last Pineapple Express grow. I am using feminized pollen. Pistils abound at 40 days. Not super tall, only about 14-16 inches. Still going

4 years ago

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬

⚖️Golden Ratio 🧬 Wow 🤩 this is amazingly amazing 🥲 it’s like science class 🔥


dizzleslettuce Thank you! I try to be informative. I see lots of people on here and in groups and such that are just starting out. Best advice I can give is to learn something everyday.

Day: 18

What was a triple threat has now been relegated to a hero situation. She is looking great so far. Light nutrient feeding to work up. Fox Farms Grow Big @ 1/2tsp per gallon.

4 years ago

Day: 11

Well, it turns out that of the three seeds, only one germinated successfully. It happens. But, the one is coming along! It's the small one on the right.

4 years ago

Day: 2

Should see them above the ground in just a few days.

4 years ago