Second Grow - SCROG Method
Summer 2020
Plants grown in coco coir, 4x4x6 grow room under an Aglex 3000w light; using wild things nutrients.
Ice Cream Cake & Critical Mass CBD
Day 35 (Week 5)
6 updates
19 photos
Day: 35
First feed day on day 34 and the plants responded very well.
4 years ago
Day: 29
Started to PH the water to 6-6.5 as plants were not responding well, since change the plants have revived; water was at 8.5 prior to checking which proved much too alkaline. Increased humidity and turned fans off at night to keep a higher temperature during lights off cycle.
4 years ago
Day: 21
Placed the seedlings in the grow room, using aglex 3000W with 1/3 of lights covered. Light is 4 feet above canopy. First feeding was Monday June 29(2 days ago)
4 years ago
Day: 6
All 5 seeds have reached the surface and are starting to grow, using a weaker grow garden light for initial phase.
5 years ago
Day: 4
5/6 seeds cracked and grew roots, put into a mixture of coco coir and planting soil for the initial part of the grow.
5 years ago
Day: 1
Seeds soaked and put in paper towel/zip lock back for germination. June 9
5 years ago