2019 outdoor grow
2019 grow
Roots beer, whoOody, venom OG, Sherbet.. Maybe terple #4 if female
Roots beer, venom OG, sherbert, whoOody..
Day 23 (Week 4)
23 updates
73 photos
Day: 23
5/27/19 Fed fish,cal-mag, and vital tea as root drench today.. Roots beers taking off! Venom OG taking off as well as the sherbet.. Purple punches taking a min to blast off..
6 years ago
Day: 22
5/26/19 Sprayed Nuke Em before it started to sprinkle. Plant that was tripping out is looking good now! Everything looking healthy. Waiting for purple punch clones to snap in! Venom OG looking good and taking off nicely!
6 years ago
Coles all aboard the you beut commute, that plants doing powerful things. love it,
Day: 21
5/25/19.. Nothing today.. Letting bags dry out for a day or so. Possible afternoon showers tomorrow.
6 years ago
Day: 20
5/24/19 Everything looking good! One plant a little shocked from rain. Poked more holes in bag to dry the pot out for a day or two.. Fed vital fish and vital cal-mag then top dressed with vital Tea.. Sprayed plant therapy also!
6 years ago
Day: 19
5/23/19..Light watering. Noticing one plant looking a little weird probably due to heavy rain for a week. Just checking on them today!
6 years ago
Day: 18
5/22/19... Top dressed soil lightly and sprayed. Gave vital Cal-mag
6 years ago
Day: 17
5/21/19 Nothing done today.. A little overcast so letting bags dry out until tomorrow..
6 years ago
Day: 16
5/20/19 Day after rain.. Sprayed plant therapy and gave plants cal-mag.. Letting bags dry out for a day or so.
6 years ago
Coles loving the colours, good stuff 👍🏼
Lazyslim420 Thanks man! It’s the DJ short genetics shinning through on this roots beer, bred by a close family member. Much appreciated!
Day: 15
5/19/19.. Ladies looking alive and well. Roots beers are thriving in the rain and venom OG is taking the rain well also.. Waiting for the sun to come back out so I can feed purple punches nitro rich food so they can take off!!
6 years ago
Day: 14
5/18/19 Still raining in Nor Cal.. Just letting amendments rain into bags naturally..
6 years ago
Day: 13
5/17/19.. Raining for the next few days again. Top dressed soil so it gets rained in the next few days..
6 years ago
Day: 12
5/16/19 Still raining in Northern California but plants are loving it and taking up nutrients well.. Nice and green and super healthy. Purple punch doing well, no shock or anything.. Just gave a shot of vital gardens cal-mag and letting top dressing rain into bags. Everything is looking great!! Venom OG is gonna take off also!
6 years ago
Day: 11
5/15/19 Currently raining for a few days.. Didn’t do anything today except check on plants.. Letting rain push nutrients through bags. Tomorrow I’ll stake them up..
6 years ago
Day: 10
5/14/19 Everything is happy and healthy. Just light watering today!
6 years ago
Day: 9
5/13/19 Everything is growing fast and healthy! Roots beers are stacking up nicely and everything else is coming along.. planting purple punch in ground when sun goes down. Top dressed soil gave cal mag and sprayed this morning.. planted last two purple punch in ground..
6 years ago
Day: 8
Didn’t do much in garden.. Let bags dry out a night... feed, water, and spray tomorrow..
6 years ago
Day: 7
Just watered and fed vital cal-mag also sprayed nuke em..
6 years ago
Day: 6
Fed, watered and sprayed.. Got two purple punch clones for extra two holes.. Everything is sexed out and good to go!
6 years ago
Day: 5
Just light watering today and figuring out what two clones to grab for extra two holes in the ground..
6 years ago
Day: 4
Top dressed soil with dry amendments.. And gave vital cal-mag. Pulled turple #4 (male)..
6 years ago
Day: 3
Transplanted clones from 1gal pots to final 30 gal grow bags. One venom OG planted straight into the ground with amended soil.. Feed, water in the morning. Removed another two males and still need to fill 2 more grow bags with clones..spraying nuke em for a week then plant therapy the next week.
6 years ago
Day: 2
Watered and gave vital cal-mag! Still waiting for a few roots beers to show. Waiting for sun to go down to spray and plant clones.
6 years ago
Day: 1
Sexed out roots beers.. Waiting for terple #4 to show sex..(possibly male), acclimating venom, WhoOody and sherbet.. roots beers been in the ground about a week, maybe less.. 30gal pots all grown organically.. Clones from dark heart nursery. Venom OG bred by Humboldt seed company and WhoOody bred by NERDS genetics.. Roots Beer is a heirloom bred by a family member.
6 years ago