First Time Grower

Spring 2022

First time grower. Researched for about 6 months and decided to go for it.

Random Seeds

Day 26 (Week 4)

5 updates

37 photos

Day: 26


Day 4 after topping and LST and omg I'm impressed. Look at all the new growth that's taken off since bending them over. Today I went ahead and continued some more LST. Added a window A/C unit in grow room to keep Temps below 80 during the day. Lowered humidity by 5% and will continue to do so every other week. Nutrients and Calmag are on their way since noticing some nutrient deficiencies but these babies are still hanging on. Should have PH balanced the water from the very start but i wanted to give them a chance to show what they could do without it. Will start feeding PH balanced water once nutrients arrive. Not able to sex them apart yet but hoping in the next two weeks we'll know. Youngest pot is doing extremely well and considering implementing some LST once it reaches it's 7th or 8th node. Any ideas for early pest control?

3 years ago

Day: 22


Officially in the vegetative stage. 🀘🏿🀘🏿Doing great 4 days later after moving to bigger pots. Decided to halfway top only two of the three and began LST as well. Couldn't find what I needed in stores and decided to skip the waiting time for shipping, so I improvised with a wire hanger. Worked out better than I thought it would have. Used whatever was left from the hangers to help keep the leaves from touching the soil during LST. Using an even mix of Happy Frog, FoxFarm, and some moisture control Miracle Grow Potting Mixture and these babies are loving it. Waiting to see if any new growth takes off. Will be introducing some FloraGro, nitrogen, and some magnesium in a week. Still have been currently feeding regular water. Swapping to ph balanced water when I introduce nutrients. Still on 6/2/6/2/6/2 light cycle. Plants are doing well in my opinion. Clipped some of the growth from below that weren't going to make it. Baby seedling is still in the race and doing well catching up to the rest. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘πŸΏ

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Nice mcguyver πŸ€™πŸ€™bend her over bro!!😎


BernyMac92 πŸ˜‚ Figure it out one way or the other right. I'm really considering bending the last one. Just wanted to see the difference in growth from the other 2 and its a big difference


BernyMac92 πŸ‘ŒπŸΏπŸ‘ŒπŸΏThey're taking off on their own fr now!

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Day: 18


Moved seedlings to 4 gallon pots and one 2 gallon pot. Feeding nothing but water so far. Youngest seedling is doing very well. Will officially start vege stage in the next few days. Have plants on a 6/2/6/2/6/2 schedule. Excited to see them take off.

3 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Looking good BMac!

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Interesting light cycle what’s the thought process here just asking

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz Doing the math it’s 14 on 10 off I believe I’ve seen something about this before but forgot what’s the deal happy growing all the same!πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ‘πŸ˜Ž

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Day: 10

First nodes complete. Second nodes are making their way in. Latest seed finally sprouted after using an old Gatorade bottle as a humidity dome. They are looking happy and content. Can't wait to find out if we're working with males or females.

3 years ago

Day: 7


So far we're looking good. The two seedlings that I originally started off with have finally passed the lip of the cup. The empty cup and the baby seedlings were placed a few days later. Once they all grow a little bit stronger, I will be stress training and scrogging early on. These were all random seeds btw.

3 years ago