First clone grow
Organic. No pH’d water. Indoor/Outdoor. LST only.
Clone gifted to me. 1500w full spectrum light. 18/6 light. Flower outside in August.
Cinderella 99
Day 53 (Week 8)
9 updates
19 photos
Day: 44

Plant growing well. Bushing out with new shoots on every node. Watered with rain as well as tap water and nutes.
4 years ago
Day: 30

Not much height but definitely bushing out. Watered with a little molasses and some grow girls grow. I think it’s safe to assume she’s recovered from her light scare in my tent.
4 years ago
Day: 28

Spotting on leaves - likely from sun burn in my tent. Stems still red but lightening. Not sure if the leaves are showing signs of pests but I wouldn’t be surprised. We’ll see how she does. She’s a lot happier now though so that’s a win.
4 years ago
Day: 24

Moved her outside and she’s MUCH happier. I guess my light was too strong for her.
4 years ago
Day: 23

Raised light several inches in case it was too strong for her. Watered gently in case she didn’t her enough with the transplant (just sprayed with a spray bottle when transplanting as the soil felt moist already). She looks a little better today than yesterday I think.
4 years ago
Day: 23

New growth? Still can’t tell with this one. She should have perked up by now. Will continue to leave her alone until she shows me something specific. She has water, environment is dialed in, soil is fresh… maybe it’s a nute issue. Leaves were banged up when I received her so monitoring for sun burn and other leaf symptoms is difficult. Any ideas?
4 years ago
zenith37 Are those clones rooted?
TheMorrisGardener Yeah, had a great rootball when I transplanted.
TheMorrisGardener I just can’t tell if it’s nutrition, light, or overwater. The reddening of the stem and droopy/yellowing leaves are symptoms of all 3.
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Day: 22

Transplanted her but she’s not happy. Root ball was well developed so she’s either overwatered or stressed from the move. Time will tell.
4 years ago
dockkomusic U use banana tea ?
TheMorrisGardener Nothing. Just soil with mycs. It came in a tiny seedling tray so I wanted to get it out ASAP. Didn’t seem to like the transplant. Could also be the lights are too strong.
dockkomusic Try the banana tea bro it will help for sure and worm castings ppl on here told me I’m just passing the knowledge 🙏 I’ll Lowe’s has worm castings I’m new to the grow game lol cheers
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Day: 21

Received clone as a gift. Cinderella 99. Do not know start date but assume it’s been about 20 days since cut. Will pot up tomorrow.
4 years ago