
Zittles Autoflower

Brians Seeds

Seeds given to me by my co worker Brian. We both started our seeds on the same day!

Zittles Autoflower

Day 80 (Week 12)

18 updates

25 photos

Day: 80

Been a minute! Fat buds bruddah!!

5 years ago

Day: 54

It’s been a minute! Flower mode in full effect! Spring is here.

5 years ago

Day: 37

Just finished defoliating. Ladies look good, going to clone a couple that are down below for the spring season outside.

5 years ago

Day: 35

Forgot my garden glasses at work so shitty photos it is! Bright side these things are going strong! The only ones budding are the top middle and bottom left. Might take the bottom left one outside. Defoliation time!

5 years ago

Day: 31

Getting bushy!! Topped two so the other two could catch up for an even canopy.

5 years ago

Day: 27

Water leaves!!

5 years ago

Day: 25

The thing about hydro.. once it gets wet those things go! Time to top em ⚔️

5 years ago

Day: 21

Going to put some nutrients back in the water. Learned my lesson! Light feedings.

5 years ago

Day: 19

Just like that, they’re back to normal! No more curly fried leaf. Now we let them sink their roots into the water. Might do one top and let them ride out but feels good to fix a problem!

5 years ago

Day: 18

Curly leaves! Never had this happen before, read up and I think it’s because of high iron and nitrogen. Doing a cool flush and throwing them under the UFO for a fresh restart. They say autoflowers don’t need much!! Learning!! Hydro plants react way faster than those in soil so let’s get it right with these ladies ✊🏾 Listen to em.

5 years ago

Day: 16

Thinking if I should put the little one in a dirt pot outside????!!!!

5 years ago

Day: 15


5 years ago

Day: 14


Damn didn’t realize it’s been a couple of days since I’ve updated 😅 It’s a patience game! Bought a 5 gallon at Walmart and filled up with RO’d water for the ladies. Lowered the water underneath the cubes so the roots can shoot down for some moister. Plants are very smart, hopefully I can get the outer plants to grow the same height.

5 years ago

Day: 9

Introducing the big blue box! This is actually my first tub I purchased for my first grow. Wish I was on this app in 2015 to show y’all! Anyways the girls are shooting up kind of light on the leaves. Gotta go get a jug so I can get RO water for my plants. They’re all alive and drinking though!

5 years ago

Day: 4

Had a day off to clean up the ufo room for the seedlings. So far two popped up. These things are progressing pretty fast so I went ahead and added all the T5 lights to the fixture.

5 years ago

Day: 3

Just got the little ones into their new homes till we see some leaf. Nice warm spring day inside the hyperbolic time chamber! Cool bright day in Vegas! Stay tuned to see their big blue home! Gotta clean out the ufo room from last Harvest 😅

5 years ago

Day: 2

5 out of 5! Shouts to B for the solid batch of seeds. Time for them to dig!! Let’s get em in the rockwools ASAP with my T5. Nothing major, PH’d water till we get some roots sticking out.

5 years ago

Brola Hell yea!! Let’s get growing 🌱🌿🍃🌱

Dotz313 Can't wait until my seeds come in 🙌🏿. Def gonna keep a close eye on this one

Spliff I have the 9 pound hammer + with Mandarin Lime from B..

Day: 1

First day out!

5 years ago