Unreasonablely Tall Outdoor Grow
July 2021 VA legal plants
Just sharing the end of life pics of these plants. They were incredible to watch grow and I had put no effort into any of it (bought some predator bugs for a while) which ended up hurting me in the end when a severe stink/squash bug infestation started ravaging the plants. Ultimately it’s early death was the result of a serious rain storm that dumped an inch of rain in an hour. Still have some buds up but most of it is gone.
2 Black Banana Punch (Brisco’s bargain beans) and 1 Pennywise x Uber (Vashon seeds)
Day 94 (Week 14)
2 updates
13 photos
Day: 94

This is the final cut…
3 years ago
GrowinDownSouth Washed the buds with a hydrogen peroxide mix which was WAY better than the 3 bucket lemon baking soda mix…much easier and faster and appears to have been more effective.
Chief Smokalot I’ve washed a plant with hydrogen peroxide that had powder mildew on most of it. It felt odd washing the bud before drying but tbh i recommend it if theres PM present. It beats smoking mold or throwing out hard work. The bud I washed , dried and cured turned out great btw. You’re taking the proper steps👍🏼
Day: 91

Pics of what I harvested, how broken they were, how it looked initially after the first storm and cracked in half after the second one.
3 years ago
GrowinDownSouth Learned a lot and have already started prepping for next season w/ some good IPM planning (Marrone line treatments with a decent sprayer that will mess those bugs up) and will keep the plants at a much more manageable size by topping. Also as you can see, the Plant Trainer saved the Pennywise from destruction so I’ll be using that on all 4 plants next year. Unbelievable how well that worked IMO.
GrowinDownSouth What a shitty first pic smh it was like 8pm and dark af but that’s about half of each Black Banana Punch plant chopped
Mystrain420-@eaegifts Yea pic #5 should’ve been first, that’s a beast 💪🏾. Sorry the storm got to them, beautiful buds on them big ladies