
2 Clones; Punch & Swag ( First grow!)

Early Summer 2020 (June Start)

Not 100% sure what the real strains are but these are what was written on the cups! One started quite wilted, stunted, and chewed on, but it’s recovering nicely.

Punch & Swag

Day 49 (Week 7)

35 updates

103 photos

Day: 49


Haven’t updated in awhile. Plants are doing extremely well even after extreme leaf trimming to rid spidermites. Feed schedule and composition is in feed log. I sprayed earlier around 8 pm a 9:1 water and alcohol solution to kill any remaining spidermites which made the plants droop. It is 3:51 am and I have attached three pictures; 1 for before and 2 for after spray.

5 years ago

Day: 41

It’s 1:40 am and a lot has happened. I’ve been keeping track of feeding on a hard copy so I will keep that there and use this for visuals and notes. The nutrients have been great but I believe the plants (especially the big one) are nitrogen deficient. Lower leaves are starting to wilt and turn yellow. I’m going to be adding some more nutes with higher nitrogen amounts soon. Also, I’m seeing what looks to be a bit like thrip damage on the lower leaves but there are no thrips. Tomorrow I will put up a couple fly strips and see if I happen to catch anything.

5 years ago

Day: 35


Updating this at 11:20 am. Plants looking great after pruning and their new feed. Temperature and humidity is near perfect and the solution is nearly gone on the surface already! Probably another 2 days until another 2/3 cup of solution for both. Very pleased with how it’s well they are doing.

5 years ago

Day: 34

Created a 1/2 gallon solution with calmag, liquid kelp, and humic/fulvic acid. I used about 1/2 of each recommended amount for all because this is the first time they are getting fed with nutrients. I pruned each plant about 2 hours left in their dark cycle and then fed them each 2/3 cup of solution. It’s 11:26 pm.

5 years ago

Day: 33


Updating at 12:33 pm. Plants are growing well, bottom leaves on big plant are drooping and I believe it’s either lack of light or water. Either way, they are getting pruned and watered when I wake up. I will start introducing some nutrients as well. Grow tent has perfect conditions and I added a fan for more air intake and circulation, will continue to observe and see if it is too much wind for these ladies.

5 years ago

Day: 32


Updating at 11:35 am. A lot changed today in terms of setup. The fan system is now on the inside pulling out air and the humidifier got moved too. Got 2 oscillating fans on the way as well as scalpels and more nutrients. Once it’s all here, I’m sure after about a week they will be thriving. As of now though they are good. Still no water. I noticed the top leaves were started to get tanned from the light so I moved it up around 6 inches higher. It’s pretty powerful. Plants looking good for the most part with good growth just need a trimming.

5 years ago

Day: 31


Updating as I go to sleep at 9:23 am. Nothing has changed much, still waiting for the plants to tell me they are thirsty. Growing good. Going to prune as soon as the sterilized scalpels arrive.

5 years ago

Day: 30

Going to sleep at 6:03 am. Everything was normal today. Still no water because they aren’t thirsty yet and I’m not gonna overwater again. They are growing pretty quick.

5 years ago

Day: 29

Going to sleep now and it’s 7:36 am. Plants are still growing and vegging good even while producing pistils. I still haven’t watered or pruned but there doesn’t seem to be anything wrong and the plants aren’t thirsty so I’m going to leave them alone until they are ready. Conditions are still optimal.

5 years ago

Day: 28


Quick update before bed at 6:17 am. Plants are doing really well and growing pretty quick. The purple on the stems is even going away and they seem happier. They still aren’t thirsty and i kept the same 18/6 light schedule off at 7 back on at 1 and I’ve seen extremely positive results. Gonna prune some of the lower leaves soon.

5 years ago

Day: 27


Time is 1:19 am and I turned the lights back on after 6 hours darkness right now. Both plants are in preflower and neither are hermies so that’s a win. I read I can keep them from flowering as long as I don’t give them 12 hours of darkness. Both have grown about 3 and a 1/2 inches and are looking like some leaves should be pruned soon but ultimately they’re growing and look to have recovered from light burn, wind burn, thrips, fungus gnats, and overwatering. I am amazed at their resilience

5 years ago

Day: 26


Turned the lights off at 7:14 pm for a 6 hour dark cycle. Gonna continue monitoring and see if anything gets better/worse. Turned light back on at 1:14 am. Plants look the same so I will sleep and see how they are tomorrow. They’ve gotta be thirsty soon. Edit: the last picture is from 5:36 am before I went to sleep. I definitely gotta keep an eye on those yellow spots and determine what the cause is.

5 years ago

Day: 25


At 7:15 pm I turned the lights off for a 6 hour dark period. Plants are looking a lot better and I hope this means they are bouncing back. Gonna wait another day to water as well. I want to trim the plants a bit but I want them fully recovered first.

5 years ago

Day: 25

Update 2: going to bed. Switched lights on after 6 hours. It’s 6:01 am. Plants looking marginally better after some time. Still no water. Will check soil tomorrow.

5 years ago

Day: 24


The plants are standing up a bit more after last night. It’s 6:39 so I switched the lights off and today instead of 4 hours I’m going to let the lights stay off for 6. Will update more as the day goes on

5 years ago

Day: 24


Part 2 of day 24. Lights came back on at 12:54 am after 6 hours of rest. Also turned the humidifier back onto the lower setting. Plants are looking a little bit better, but time will tell. Still no water. Update 2: 6:01 am going to sleep plants looked a bit better.

5 years ago

Day: 23


A ton of stuff happened today. Plants got moved into their permanent 48x48x80 inch grow tent. The taller plant had some wind burn and almost every stem has turned purple and the leaves are starting to curl and yellow. Smaller plant is doing about the same. I have an exhaust fan on the outside and a humidifier in the tent set on low. All vents besides the side ones with mesh are sealed almost completely. Gonna do some research and see how I can better help these plants. After an hour or so I’ll read the air probe and take a soil probe and compare the air probe to the hygrometer. Update 1: gonna turn off the light for about four hours. It’s 6:31 pm. Update 2: at 6:54 pm I checked the air probe and it said that the fan dropped from around 73 degrees to 69 degrees so I turned the setting down from 4 to 3. Update 3: I turned the light back onto veg at 10:50. Stems are purple on both plants (mostly the top branches) and growth is still slowed. Although, they aren’t as droopy. Gonna check the soil pH in a bit. Room is still between 68-78 degrees fluctuating between 50-60% RH. Update 4: I checked the soil right now at 4:23 am and the tall plant still has very high (7) moisture according to the soil probe. The room and humidity are solid. The tall plants leaves closest to the light have started to taco and turn yellow. I poked a ton of holes in the soil around the where the plant was transplanted in attempt to get the soil aerating more. Some brown and black spots that look dead have started appearing on some of the bottom leaves on the bigger plant. The smaller plant still looks the same so I think it is doing well. Also, even when deep in, the soil isn’t very high compared to the other plant. I’m starting to think that it is more successful due to the myco but I can’t be for sure that’s the reason. Update 5: At 4:37 am I decided to turn off the humidifier for a bit to see what happens and I raised the light about another foot away from the plants because I think they might be experiencing heat stress from it. The light is 1200w and I don’t think it needs to be very close

5 years ago

Day: 22


I’m adding this as I go to bed at 5:49 am. Nothing has happened really besides switching out the wet socks and trays with the humidifier I just got. Some leaves are getting more yellow while others get better. The pictures speak for themselves. Gonna give these girls 4-6 hours of sleep for the first time so they can focus on recovery instead of healing. We’ll see what happens, I believe in them. Temp and RH are pretty much perfect around 75-78 degrees and ~55%. Edit: I checked the soil moisture level with a soil probe and if I put it all the way down it still isn’t completely dried out (~5-6) so I’m gonna wait another day before watering and also make sure my probe is calibrated. Not going to switch the light off yet actually, gonna do more research. Also, I’ve been leaving the door on both sides by about 2 feet on the left side and about 1 foot on the right for more circulation.ive included a picture of how I set up the humidifier and there was instant results.

5 years ago

Day: 21

Woke up at and started this journal at 1pm. Plants are still drooping and moisture is still somewhat high according to the soil probe. The taller plant now has leaves that are clawing and some yellowing in the younger/lower leaves. Smaller plant isn’t as bad. Gonna poke some more holes in the dirt possibly, or just a wait another day and see how they are doing.

5 years ago

Day: 21

Update 2: 4:54 am before bed. Had to change the socks twice today so I think that means the plants are able to intake some of the excess water now. I noticed the soil has dried up a good amount around the edges. The smaller plant looks better but the larger plant definitely has demons leaves with the claw that are starting to curl like a taco and turning somewhat yellow. I believe this is overwatering and possibly nitrogen toxicity but I’m going to continue to let them be for now so they can do their thing. Note: I gave the smaller one that is doing better a lot more Great White myco powder than the larger one. I coated the roots completely and layered the soil. With the larger one I definitely layered less and coated the roots less. I still believe they will be okay as long as I don’t overwater. Next watering will be in about another day most likely and I’m considering whether or not to introduce some nutrients. Will definitely adjust pH and continue to monitor soil with soil probe.

5 years ago

Day: 20

Going to bed and it’s 2:20 am. The plants haven’t gotten worse, if anything they are doing a little better. Changed the wet socks right now and I’m going to change the water trays tomorrow. Gonna be a while probably before I have to water. If the plants get worse I’ll keep trying things like poking more holes in the soil. I don’t think I’ll have to, the fact that they haven’t gotten worse is good.

5 years ago

Day: 19


I went to sleep and woke up with no real changes. Left for about 4 hours came back and they are already looking a little better. Taller plant still has visibly wet soil that hasn’t receded much so I may poke some holes in the ground and cut back a bit on the water. Humidity was at 42% and the temp was about 71-72 degrees. Gonna have to buy a humidifier I think

5 years ago

Day: 19

Update 2: 10:02 pm I checked plants and moved hygrometer around earlier, my humidity is pretty much perfect now so I guess the sock and water tray trick worked. Both plants are looking a lot better now. Gonna wait another day or so to water again.

5 years ago

Day: 19

Update 3: 10:16 am plants are still drooping. Got a soil meter and even after a couple days no water, the ground is still moist. I figured this is due to plants having trouble intaking water after transplant and I watered too soon, i used too much, and there was no air circulation. To combat this I added a fan about 3 feet away from the outside of the closet door on low (not oscillating) and poked 4 holes around where the transplant occurred on both plants and covered them up just enough to not expose the roots to any light. Also the socks dried up so I got em wet again and hung them. Hygrometer also has different readings when on soil but I moved it so there aren’t any shaded parts of the soil. I hope these vbabies will be okay

5 years ago

Day: 18


A lot has happened these past couple days, but the most important thing to note is that the plants were transplanted into fox farms happy frog soil which was layered with Great White. I also put out a good amount on each root system. I watered them a bit after and moved them to a new environment (my closet) under a 1200W LED light and put that on veg. It’s been a little over a full day and I’ve learned the humidity in my closet is at 42% even with 3 good sized trays/pans of water next to the plants and the temperature fluctuates between about 74-78 degrees. As of now, the tall one is drooping so I will water a bit and I’m gonna hang a couple wet socks off the clothe bar on hangers to try and raise the humidity and hopefully they respond well. Smaller plant looks about the same. Edit: The pictures of the plants are watered and close-ups to see growth more visibly. Upon adding 2 wet tube socks the humidity is already improving. Edit 2: Last picture is at 5:47 am right before bed added 4 more wet socks because humidity still wasn’t going up where I’d like it and i turned the air down to 70 degrees. I have the closet door open on the side away from the plants about the size of a fist. I believe the plant is dropping due to overwatering so I’m going to give it a couple days to dry out and recover from the transplant and environment change.

5 years ago

Day: 14

Realized I forgot to update so here’s a quick one before I go to bed (7:15am) no water today. Added another strand of fly tape and holy shit do these things produce results but I’m still convinced yellow sticky traps are best. Plant leaves unfolded and normalized a couple of hours after I watered and they started praying. Both look awesome and are even beginning to smell good. Found a couple brown/black dots noticeably different than honeydew and moving (spidermites?) but on the top side of the leaves. I killed them swiftly and checked for any eggs or hidden spidermites under the leaves with a magnifying glass. Fan is turned on just in case there are mites cause they hate wind and that’s really the best defense I got besides soap. Gonna replace strips when I wake up.

5 years ago

Day: 13

*Update 2* added another string of fly paper because I saw some fungus gnats around the base of the tall one. Also, I waited quite some time to water (to combat fungus gnats) and the right plant started dropping a bit. I added water not even five minutes ago and the right plants leaves almost INSTANTLY shot straight up and one is leaf is now behaving incredibly strange and flipped itself upside down (ALL WITHIN FIVE MINUTES LOL) I’m not sure if this is good or bad but time will tell.

5 years ago

Day: 13

Plant is looking good. I id’d some thrips last night and began reading and practicing the Art of War. Soon they will be transplanted into a sealed environment and I don’t want anyone in there but cordially invited guests. Last day of no water, fungus gnats seem to be gone but I want to make sure.

5 years ago

Day: 12

Both plants have grown about an inch since their last measurement. I put up a fan on the 2nd highest power in an attempt to remove the fungus gnats and I’m also letting them dry out for another day. I believe some sort of aphid has been leaving honeydew on the underside of some of the leaves and I’m hoping the fan helps. Neither pest is a real problem at this point and soon these cuties get their own grow tent so I’m not very worried.

5 years ago

Day: 11


I misted the plants for the first time today due to the heat. Also, both plants seem to have fungus gnats which is okay because that tells me I gotta water less and there won’t be any real damage. So far they look beautiful, other than some spots on the leaves which I will continue to watch.

5 years ago

Jaffar4523 You planning to do any LST or topping?

Day: 10

The right plant is about nine inches. One of its leaves was growing sideways so I decided to break the stem in hopes that it forms a callus and makes the stem stronger and straight. Both plants have no real changes. Going to prune tomorrow. The plants will be getting water today as well (:

5 years ago

Xtralarjdabz *1st Post*

Day: 10

Pruned the plants right before bed (7:10 am). The callused leaf was doing well until I messed around with it a bit more and it then died within a couple of hours. This is my first pruning and I’m rather proud of how it turned out. I believe in these lil guys!!!

5 years ago

Xtralarjdabz *2nd post*

Day: 9


The plants have no real significant changes. Going to wait a couple more days before pruning. Plants are growing quickly, almost like weeds! Lol

5 years ago

Xtralarjdabz No water today

Day: 8

Both plants have grown considerably. Soon I will transplant into two 5 gallon pots and one will remain indoors while the other (smaller one) will be introduced into direct sunlight. Going to trim off the unhealthy leaves from the left side plant because although the plant continues to grow, these leaves remain unchanged. If they are diseased I don’t want it to effect the rest of the plant. Right side plant is starting to form what I believe root bubbles on the bottom of the stock. Same 24 hours LC with every 1-3 days watering. First two pictures are an 8 hour difference from when I slept/when I woke up. Even from just 8 hours, the plant has grown considerably.

5 years ago

Day: 1


Unsure of exact height (didn’t measure). Garage grow under a single fluorescent with a 24 hour LC to prevent early flowering and promote growth during veg cycle. Watered every 1-3 days depending on dampness of rockwool and soil. The left plant seems to be borderline unhealthy, gonna leave the unhealthy leaves on for a bit to see what happens.

5 years ago