
NYC Diesel Auto Fem from CKS

First official grow

Here we have 3 NYC Diesel Auto Fems from Crop Kong Seeds! Broke seed and placed in Roto Rooters on 11-1-18. Grown in DWC 20 gallon tote with 2 air pumps, 4 air stone bubble bars and using GH nutes.

NYC Diesel

Day 53 (Week 8)

20 updates

25 photos

Day: 53

She has really started filling out! Very sticky and smells glorious!

6 years ago

Day: 35

Day 35 and these ladies are lovin life!

6 years ago

Day: 34

Did some lollipop training and spread my branches further out and apart to even the top.

6 years ago

Day: 33

Lots of buds forming!

6 years ago

Day: 32

Looking great!

6 years ago

Playin2x What's water temp? Looks great!!

Day: 30


Looks like the start of some beautiful buds!

6 years ago

Day: 29

One runt trying to keep up

6 years ago

Day: 26

Got some training going!

6 years ago

Day: 25

The runt is a little stunted, it seems. Others are looking great!

6 years ago

Day: 23

Got some major root growth going. One of the babes is getting a little runty.

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Keep it rolling brother!

Presidentcp I can’t wait to roll it in a paper! Haha

Day: 21

Went to top and look what I found!

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Yea man autos you got to be careful its always best to top once you have 2-3 sets of nodes in my experience.

Presidentcp I topped right above the third!

Day: 20

Solid root growth!

6 years ago

Day: 19

The roots on these babes have really taken off!

6 years ago


Ducatiboy Its hydro they better take off haha! Grow grow!!!

Presidentcp Amen πŸ™πŸ»

Day: 17

Going strong!

6 years ago

Day: 12

They grow so fast

6 years ago

Day: 11

Loving the nutes

6 years ago

Day: 8

Growing fast!

6 years ago

Day: 6


6 years ago

Day: 5

Under the big girl light

6 years ago

Day: 1


Plants are about 3 inches tall. Sturdy little babes πŸ’š

6 years ago