Steady Hippy

Steady Hippy

Gelato #33 (Jungle Boyz)

Indoor clone mid Jan

My first clone grow attempt for a mother plant. Received the cut from a close friend who has been growing for a minute. The soil was flushed from a previous grow.

Gelato #33 🍨

Day 54 (Week 8)

4 updates

10 photos

Day: 48

I’ve upgraded the led she was under recently and topped her so she begins to widen up. I’m probably going to be starting training of her branches here in about a week or so.

4 years ago

Day: 35


About to top her. She’s growing for the light quite rapidly with the nutrients I’ve been feeding her twice a week. So it’s about time to widen her up. The aroma is beginning to be a beautiful smell.

4 years ago

Day: 30


Growth looks good considering only being under a cheap Home Depot 50w grow light emitting only 50 par which is ridiculously low.

4 years ago

Day: 1


Throwback to my first day receiving her in a solo cup with roots showing to a week after she locked into soil.

4 years ago