Chemdogging grow
Mephisto genetics
One chemdogging plant
Day 78 (Week 12)
11 updates
11 photos
Day: 78
Getting yellowing leaves... will stop feeding. Watered only today
4 years ago
Day: 68
Fed today recharge
4 years ago
Day: 62
Fed today gro, flora, micro, calmag, recharge. Cut off dry leaves
4 years ago
Day: 57
Full flower. Some leaves are starting to dry up and curl. Maybe too much light. Fed bloom, gro, micro, calmag, recharge
4 years ago
Day: 50
Started flowering. Fed recharge, micro, flora, grow, calmag
4 years ago
Day: 47
Making a comeback but she’s going pre flower. Fed today recharge, micro, gro, flora, calmag
4 years ago
Day: 43
Getting some color and growth. Stunted but she may recover a bit
4 years ago
Day: 40
A little late for lst but I’ll give it a go. Fed today flora trio, calmag, recharge
4 years ago
Day: 36
I think she may be permanently stunted 😞
4 years ago
Day: 33
Recovering from transplant. Not stretching
4 years ago
Day: 18
Stunted Plant due to transplanting and soil issues. Soil is too compact
4 years ago