

Amnesia Haze/Opium autos; -White OG Photo Fem

Late Winter 2023

First grow in 5x10 room with co2 tank supplement , humidity controller, ductless ac

3 AH, 2 OP, 1 WOG

Day 90 (Week 13)


29 updates

36 photos

Day: 90

Trimmed the last of this tonight. It all stays here with me so I don’t trim it too tight. 327 grams from 5 plants under 2-300 watt leds. I got 190 gs off 2 plants Opium, a freebie from MVB, and 137 of Amnesia Haze. The amnesia haze seeds I’ve grown a few times and they always seem to lose their smell on me. I was discouraged 3 consecutive grows. Happy to report that it’s just the strain or I’m nose blind because the opium strain has a beautiful smell already. I’ll have some seedlings and a new journal next week.

a year ago

Day: 82

Gonna chop tonight

a year ago

Day: 77


Happy 420 fuckers. 3 Opium pictures, 3 amnesia haze and one big white OG just entering flower.

a year ago

Day: 71


Getting there

a year ago

Day: 56


White OG won’t flip. Looked for light leaks. Everything else looks good. Opium will finish well before rest of tent it looks like.

a year ago

Day: 51


Opium plant is by far the most impressive in the tent

a year ago

Day: 50


Raising temp to 85. Shall see how we do. These mf are thirsty man and thriving

a year ago


organic_grower 85 is to hot for flowering man.🥵


organic_grower Oh I just seen your using co²

Day: 43



a year ago

Day: 42



a year ago


chris2305 Thanks. 3 year grower. First time using a Scrog net

Day: 39


Scrog recovery/ early flower. 5/6. Photo not flipped, plan to veg for 15-20 more days

a year ago

djrich1 I just finished amnesia haze x dosisos. Frigginn🔥

Day: 35


Scrog net placed.

a year ago

Day: 31


Early flower for autos

2 years ago

Day: 25

Water with big bloom. Topped photo yesterday.

2 years ago

Day: 22

Normal day. Fed plants. Added fan.

2 years ago

Day: 20

Lots of height gain.

2 years ago

Day: 15

Same old. Watered 2/6

2 years ago

Day: 14

Water only

2 years ago

Day: 13

No water today. Will feed and water tomorrow. Will add lime and re pot white og tomorrow

2 years ago

Day: 12

Watered for first time in 2 days, added bib bloom and grow big for first time for seedlings. Will gauge reaction over couple days. Soil ph is still low. 5.1. First hint of fragrance. when I walked into the tent today.

2 years ago

Day: 11

Came at dark. Looks good .

2 years ago

Day: 9

Water, nice temps and humidity. Ph is coming to acceptable level.

2 years ago

Day: 8

Water, tent temps 79- 52 humidity one weird amnesia haze everything else healthy and normal.

2 years ago

Day: 7

Water, leaves are being damaged by water with big bloom mixed in. 77 degrees 65 humidity.

2 years ago

Day: 6

Skipping water. Found weird apot on one amnesia haze. Soil ph reads extremely low. Will water in higher ph until corrected. Ph says 4.8 on all plants. Testing meter tonight. One auto opium is stretching

2 years ago

Day: 5

Fed with ff, bb. 16.9 for ah and 8 oz for seeds 75 temp 51 humidity, emptied dehumidifier.

2 years ago

Day: 4

Watered slighty, 70 degrees, 55 humidity at lights on

2 years ago

Day: 3

watered, 3 seedlings popped simultaneously, amnesia haze showing 2 phenos with 2 leaves of 2. Cotyledons healthy, temp 70, RH 54.

2 years ago

Day: 2

Watered 5:50 AM, 16.9 per plant, 73.2 F 55 RH

2 years ago

Day: 1

Moved 3 autos from 1-26-23 to permanent pot, planted 3 seeds 2 opium, 1 white og, 3 existing seedlings look mostly healthy. They were slow to germinate, healthy roots on all 3.

2 years ago