
Warehouse Flower Room 1

8 passion fruit, 4 Gorilla Glue

These are in their third week of flower

GG4 & PF

Day 29 (Week 5)

4 updates

19 photos

Day: 29


Opened the plants up and brought everything up through the netting that we could

5 years ago

Day: 28

Delarfed these and opened them up, the pictures of the tied up will come soon, only took pic of delarfing (my own term I use, mix of lollipop and defoliate/deleaf, but really just getting rid of the weak branches not getting light)

5 years ago

Day: 22

Put up trellis today, still need to open up/fix up plants and delarf them

5 years ago

Day: 18


These plants got huge in their last weeks of veg, the passion fruit might be the most vigorous plant I’ve ever grown

5 years ago