Cherry Sunshine #4 🍒
Summer 2021
Second grow
Cherry Sunshine #4 by mosca seeds
Day 13 (Week 2)
6 updates
14 photos
Day: 13

The one on the lower left is developing best for sure. Pic two shows it. There are some roots coming out the bottom of that one! Pic 3 is the deformed one. I think maybe cuz it was under soil an extra day it continued to grow but inside the shell. So by the time I uncovered a bit of soil and it popped, it was already partially developed. Seed still stuck to it.
4 years ago
Day: 13

I just want to take a moment to reflect on comparing my first grow (top pic) to my second grow (bottom pic). I am realizing that the plants on my first grow were very tall (probably 4-5 inches) compared to the second grow (1-2 inches) at the same point in time (13 days). I believe the second grow is off to a much better start. I think they were leggy in the first grow cuz they didn’t have a good medium or proper lighting. 
4 years ago
Day: 9

My third plant is mutated or deformed I think. The shell is still stuck (can’t get it off) and I can see leaf texture inside.
4 years ago
Day: 4

So the third one is really behind the other two. Should I keep it?? Might it be a dud??? How do the other two look in your opinion?? My last grow, I think they didn’t get enough light cuz they were super long and developed slowly so I wanna know if I’m doing ok here
4 years ago
tielerj Definitely not a dud had the same thing going on not too long ago and that ended up being my healthiest plant
Day: 2

And the third musketeer joins the crew!! It should have broke sooner but I had too much soil on top of it. I moved a bit of it off and poof here she is. The other two are looking good. Medium is still moist so I haven’t watered at all. They are over a humidity dome, I’m spraying it to keep humidity around 80-90%
4 years ago
Day: 0

We broke ground today on 2/3
4 years ago