


July 1st - Summer

Toxic strain grown in a 24x24x48” Tent with 2022 Upgraded MARS HYDRO TS 600W using FOXFARM soil and nutrients


Day 108 (Week 16)


18 updates

76 photos

Day: 108


2 years ago


Louisvsupreme I smoked some before harvest cuz I couldn’t wait idc😂


Louisvsupreme Thank you 🙏🏾

Day: 100


Day 100 woooo!

2 years ago

Day: 67


Good growth

2 years ago

Day: 60


Day 9 of flower and she’s starting to look frosty 🥶

2 years ago

Day: 51

Day 1 of flower, PROPERLY defoliated. Begging to be fed, Leggo!!

2 years ago

cut & run I’m growing outside I think it’s supposed to be the natural time for budding to take place. My are definitely getting hairy. So i need as much information on pre-budding I can get.

cut & run I need help I’m South Louisiana Pre-bud stage. Outside about 4 foot tall Limb 1 foot long with multiple colas


Louisvsupreme Message me on ig if u have, louisvdanny @cut & run

Day: 49


Cloned, defoliated, lollipopped, trellised. yeah I’d say she’s ready to start flowering tomorrow 🥺👌🏽

2 years ago

Day: 43


Ok so my friend that put me on to this shit really sucks at texting back so I have questions. Anyone viewing plz lmk. 1. Can I start flowering her? I feel like she’s grown enough to where I can, I’m going to set the trellis net soon. I asked him a week ago and he said to wait another month but I don’t really want to wait that long 2. I have an iPhone 12, can I use the zoom feature to look at the trichomes? He told me I can if I hold still. Thanks to anyone that responds 🔥 (I’m about to explicate her so I’ll update soon)

2 years ago


combatmedic81 You could start flowering if you want, just make the flip


Louisvsupreme Thank you man

Day: 33


So ive been lollipopping and exfoliating her since Monday and today I cut off the big fans which I probably should’ve done a lot sooner but oh well she still looks good and ready to flower lol....p.s what do you guys do with your fan leaves after you cut them? Tea or anything? Does it even give off any effects? Lmk

2 years ago

Day: 31

Geez I’ve been missing a lot of updates, ok so she is a really bushy girl oh my, wrapped her up so the others can grow

2 years ago

Day: 28



2 years ago

Day: 24

Topped today, loving the growth, my buddy gave me some azos I poured near the roots and mixed into the soil 1 day after transplanting (next time I’ll use it as soon as I transplant)

2 years ago

Day: 18


Transplanted on Monday but updated today, are the signs of calcium deficiency? I haven’t started feeding her nutrients yet. Any advice? Lmk thanks 🙏🏾

2 years ago

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz FF OF has plenty of nutrients for 30 days minimum


Louisvsupreme Wdym @sticky?

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Day: 16


Loving the growth, just have a couple questions for my pot enthusiasts out there, 1. Is it time to move to a bigger pot or should I let her keep doin her thing till the 3rd node pops up. 2. Is this type of growth slow, normal, fast, really fast. So I can use it as a reference for future grows. Thanks y’all and keep blazing🔥🍃

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Her growth looks great and imo it’s fast, compare to others on the app for an idea. I’d repot her if that’s soil. Rule of thumb some go by is repot when foliage reaches edges of pot 👍🏾👍🏾


ig:@eaegifts 💚 pic #5 👏🏾👏🏾


ig:@eaegifts Shouldn’t expose roots to light either so the clear cup isn’t a great idea

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Day: 13

4 days later and she’s almost doubled in size, took her baggie off and just prepping the tent to have her repotted soon

2 years ago

Organic Newbie

Organic Newbie Some strong growth


Caliban Time to transplant.


Louisvsupreme Thanks y’all, I’m about to post an update asking if I should reply or not

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Day: 8


My curious cat got in the tent and scratched her up thank God that was the only damage done, never making that mistake again 🤦🏾‍♂️. Was given this cup, seed and soil from a buddy of mine who got me intro growing and he told me to put more soil in the cup today that I had bought (FOXFARM). So I probably slowed down her progress (idk for sure) but it’s cool better later than never. About to water her now will update in a few days 💯🍃

2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Your boy probably wants you to add more soil to help support her stem. An oscillating fan will help strengthen her stem also and definitely keep an eye on the cat lol my old cats used to eat my plants


ig:@eaegifts Is that a glass cup without drainage?


Louisvsupreme Haha yea cats know best 😂, most def need a oscillating fan in that guy tho thank you 🙏🏾 , and the drainage is under and to the sides they’re just not in frame or hard to see 💯

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Day: 4

She’s growing up so fast 😢

2 years ago

Day: 3

Houston, we have lift-off!

2 years ago

Day: 2

Signs of life

2 years ago