Amnesia Haze
Spring 2021
One Amnesia Haze Plant. First controlled study grow. Purpose; to log and annotate every bit of this grow.
Amnesia Haze - Femmenized
Day 8 (Week 2)
4 updates
4 photos
Day: 8
Stretching quite a bit. Maybe bury a bit deeper next time 😂
4 years ago
pena.wilson This is usually cause of low lighting
drkush423 It has nothing to do with how deep you buried it! LOWER YOUR LIGHT!
NovaCanee Exactly what he said ☝🏾 That My Friend Is Stretch And You don’t want that it’s gonna start to fall over
Day: 4
First day above ground. 2tbsp of RO water.
4 years ago
Day: 2
What’s crackin? I love clean coco for germinating. RO water only.
4 years ago
Day: 0
Germinating Amnesia Haze Femme from ILGM.com, in once used, flushed coco/perlite.
4 years ago