Critical purple auto autoflowering
Fall 2021
Placed all 5 seeds wet paper towle
Critical purple Auto
Day 8 (Week 2)
3 updates
3 photos
Day: 8
I put them in the light at 11:00Am
3 years ago
Day: 8
I put them in the light at 11:00
3 years ago
Day: 7
Just put them back in the light at 11:00Am
3 years ago
Janixbis I have those same autos I got 3 seeds from them and honestly didn’t like there performance. But hope yours comes out looking beautiful! If you look on my posts your see my critical purp auto 
steezykayla Look like They need more light, that’s some hardcore stretching. Cheers
Janixbis Oh ya they need a lot more but he’s probably just put them there for the sun light? Idk but ya if not this guys gonna have really tall plants lol