

Moth Man (Under Development)

Test Freebies from MVB

I will be growing two Moth Man plants that I acquired as freebies from Multiverse Beans, bred by Gnome Automatics. I have split the medium with Expert Gardening(.05-.03-.06), Happy Frog(.30-.30-.05), Ocean Forest(.30-.45-.05), and mixed in Harvest Hero Enhanced Perlite(.00-.057-.57). One will be in an 3gal AC Infinity cloth pot and the other in an AC Infinity5gal pot. Not really following a schedule of nutrients so much as trying to read the plants and document what they do and don’t like. I do believe Dan from Gnome stated the testers have “good Anvil bones” in them, so I’m hoping for a familiar grow. Both seeds were soaked in water for ~12 hours, paper towel for about 24(to a good taproot), and then both were placed in starter pots with HF and HH perlite. 04/22/22 was Day One for both plants.

Moth Man by Gnome Automatics

Day 81 (Week 12)

11 updates

32 photos

Day: 81


Still stackin’…let the fade begin!!

2 years ago


sir_terpes024 Very beautiful plant you have there! 🔥🤌🏽so many hues going on! 💚🌱

Day: 69



2 years ago


ig:@eaegifts Very nice cut 🔥🔥

stick e fingerz

stick e fingerz 😎😎🤙

Day: 42


Growing up nicely…

3 years ago

Day: 40

Definitely doing that stretch and showing preflower. Now if her sister could show that same enthusiasm…

3 years ago

Day: 29

Tomorrow will most likely start the CalMag, Big Bloom, and Grow Big, at about a 1/4-1/3 of the directions dose, just as an intro considering the soil is a mix of Ocean Forest, Happy Frog, and Harvest Hero perlite.

3 years ago

Day: 26

Getting ready to start the nutes on Day 28 from sprout. Debating about topping but the presence of pistils got me thinking it’s too late…

3 years ago

Day: 22

Really loving watching this new strain grow. Can’t wait for Dan @Gnome to drop these for retail! Gonna have to swoop ‘em up asap! These freebies have good Anvil genes from what I hear, so I’m really excited to see what she throws out at us.

3 years ago


@eaegifts Definitely looking solid with the node spacing 👍🏾👍🏾

Day: 18

Seems to be doing great in the 3gal pot.

3 years ago

Day: 15

Starting Week 3 from sprout.

3 years ago

Day: 14

2 weeks old from sprout.

3 years ago

Day: 13


Five days after transplant into final container. Hasn’t received any nutrients yet, just plain water. Awaiting my PH Up/Down to ensure water stays between 6.2-6.8.

3 years ago