
Round 2 mofos!!!!

Aug 10 seed germination

Last time was bunk…. I know, I messed up,wasn’t there fully and it showed…focused on making this happen,I need to ,going broke paying for my medication….something I need,and want and refuse to lose…

Black jack

Day 13 (Week 2)

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2 photos

Day: 13

Better than the last round!!!

4 years ago


LutherSlurbank916 What kind of soil are you using 🤔

jsml2020 It’s some soil in a bag? Lol.. I am not sure what exactly I am supposed to be looking for in the type of soil? I didn’t just dig it out of my back lane? I’ll see if I can post a picture of it


LutherSlurbank916 Only reason I ask is because you definitely need to put some type of perlite or something to get better air and drainage in your soil.. roots need air just as much as they need water to grow so when you are watering with just soil it’s tough to get that. Definitely gonna get you right because it’s easier than a lot of people try to make it seem. If you need this to get done just always remember less is more.. and they wil definitely tell you when they need more..

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Day: 13

Grow it and they will smoke it!!

4 years ago


LutherSlurbank916 Did you poke holes in the bottom