

FastBuds Test - FBT2212 Auto

Fall / Winter 2022

Test Seed From FastBuds

FBT2212 Auto

Day 92 (Week 14)


50 updates

918 photos

Day: 92


Starting week 14 and really nothing much to speak of right now. She’s dwindling down to her final couple weeks, I’m thinking about 2 or so but if she needs more time, I’ll give it to her.

2 years ago

Day: 91


The end of week 13 today and all good, still lowering he dosage of nutes until she gets just water before chopping. Still estimating about 2-3 weeks left.

2 years ago

Day: 89


Just gave her a gallon of water and nutes today, nothing much else going on. Dialing everything back a bit and she should be ready in about 2-3 weeks.

2 years ago

Day: 87


Into week 13 now and all is still going good so far. She is probably down to her last couple of weeks but not quite there yet. Went ahead and gave her a gallon and a half of plain water today and just did a bit of the usual leaf tucking.

2 years ago

Day: 84


The end of week 12 and nothing new today other than I gave her a gallon and a half of plain pH’d water today then some leaf tucking.

2 years ago


leland3471 Amazing grow my friend. Those plants look great.


Luvs2Grow Many thanks my friend!

Day: 83


Nothing new today, just some updated pictures but she will be getting another round of water tomorrow but will give her plain water. I’ll do a feed every other watering from here on out.

2 years ago

Day: 82


Nothing much new today, she’s stacking and building up nicely and has some good frost. Gave her a gallon of water and nutes today.

2 years ago

Day: 78


Starting week 12 and started her off with a gallon of water and nutes and going by the schedule, starting to dial them down a bit. Did a little more defoliating today and removed a few of the lower dead ones as well.

2 years ago

Day: 77


The end of week 11 today and nothing else really happening right now, just removed a couple dead/dying leaves that are falling off. She should be ready for another round of water tomorrow.

2 years ago

Day: 76


Just a little more defoliating today and some daily pictures.

2 years ago

Day: 75


Nothing much to update today, just did a little more light defoliating and gave her a gallon of water and nutes.

2 years ago

Day: 72


Nothing new today, just a little more defoliating and gave her a gallon of water and nutes.

2 years ago

Day: 71


Starting week 11 and just some updated pictures today. I did do a little defoliating of some more dying leaves at the bottom and she’ll be ready for water tomorrow.

2 years ago

Day: 70


The end of week 10 for this girl and looks like I’m gonna have to increase her water intake. I’ve been giving her a gallon and she seems like she needs that daily so tried giving her a gallon and a half today and we’ll see how long that lasts for her.

2 years ago

Day: 68


Just another very light defoliation and some daily pictures, nothing much else to speak of right now.

2 years ago


CornBread All those bud sights make me jealous

Day: 67


Nothing happening today other than she got a gallon of water and nutes. She’s still doing a bit of stretching, a little over an inch the past two days.

2 years ago

Day: 65


All going good with the girl and she still got a bit of stretching going on. Did a light defoliating today and like the Runtz, she should be ready for some water on Saturday.

2 years ago


Gaharvest Looks awesome 👍🏻👊🏻

Day: 56


Ending week 8 today and she got another gallon of water and nutes. Other than that, just leaf tucking again and that’s about it.

2 years ago

mrsmith420 I’m starting my first grow and I’m popping my seed today. I noticed u said u feed a gallon of water and nutes. How much and how often should I give water I don’t know. I bought the he starter pack for advance nutrients but it says how often to give nutes but not water ?


Luvs2Grow I don’t really start giving any kinds of nutes until about 3 weeks. When they’re small and seedlings, I’ll just keep the humidity up to around 70-75% and just use a spray bottle and give the seedling a light spray. When they get older, I’ll start the nutes. Normally there should be a sheet that tells you how much nutes to add and mix to the water. I’ll give it a good watering/feeding, then feel how heavy the pot is when watered and give it a few days and pick the pot up again and if it feels a lot lighter and airy, I’ll water again. Typically every 2-3 days when they’re about the size of this one. It was a lot of trial and error when I first started. Are you growing in soil?

mrsmith420 Thanks! That was really insightful. I love ur pics keep it up. U def got me motivated !! Can I please post a picture of my setup and u can give me some advice if it’s setup properly? Id gladly cashapp or whatever $20 for ur lunch lol

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Day: 54


Nothing much really today, she did get a gallon of water yesterday, she was pretty dry but she’s perked up quite a bit now. Did a couple minor adjustments and a ton of leaf tucking.

2 years ago

Day: 51


Just some daily pictures, then a little bit of leaf tucking. Letting her dry up a bit more and will give her another gallon of water on Saturday.

2 years ago

Day: 50


Starting week 8 and her first full official week of flower. Just did a few more minor adjustments with her and that’s about it.

2 years ago

Day: 49


The end of week 7 and her final full week of veg and nothing to speak of today, just took her out for daily pictures and did some more leaf tucking.

2 years ago

Day: 48


She was ready for water today so she got a full gonna along with her first feeding of bloom nutes. Other than that, a bit of leaf tucking and a couple minor adjustments.

2 years ago

Day: 47


Lots more growth the last two days so did a bit more adjusting but primarily letting her do her stretch from here on out. Only trying to work with the stuff that’s getting ahead. Other than that, did a little defoliating and leaf tucking. Will probably be ready for water in another day or two and she’ll get her first round of bloom feed.

2 years ago


kushking&queen420 How do you go about getting the testers seeds if you don’t mind me asking I’m interested in getting into this


Luvs2Grow I keep diaries on and after I’ve completed a few diaries on there, companies started reaching out to me asking if unwanted to test for them. Pretty easy.

Day: 45


Did a bunch more adjusting and some minor defoliating today. She was finally ready for some water so gave her a gallon with veg nutes. Going to start feeding her bloom nutes next watering.

2 years ago

Day: 43


Starting week 7 and all that happened today were some more minor adjustments to the pipe cleaners. She’s still not quite ready for water but should be tomorrow.

2 years ago

Day: 42


The end of week 6 and nothing really new. Did one or two minor adjustments and did some leaf tucking with her for now. Gonna be ready for another gallon of water by Thursday.

2 years ago

Day: 41


Nothing much today other than continuing some adjustments to her and such. She’s got a nice flat and even canopy right now and probably gonna let her do a little stretching before doing some more training with her.

2 years ago

Day: 40


Into week 6 now and thinks are still going well so far. Got back from a little trip and she was ready for water so she got a full gallon today. Also did a little more defoliating and a ton more training and adjustments to her.

2 years ago

Day: 35


The end of week 5 today and did a ton more adjusting and also did a light defoliation as well. Other than that, she should be ready for more water in the next day or so.

2 years ago

Day: 34


Just a few minor adjustment today and that’s about it.

2 years ago

Day: 33


Did a bit more training with her today along with upping her water intake to a full gallon. I just realized she got a full gallon and actually wanted to only give her half so we’ll see how she takes to it and hoping it doesn’t hurt her too bad.

2 years ago


CannaMed79! Looks like you’re in a fabric pot, overwatering is a lot less of an issue since it can run out of the bottom. Recommendation is to water until you have 20% runoff.


CannaMed79! Holy crap, I just took a look at your profile, sorry to assume you need my advice. Great growing man!

Justin Hamilton

Justin Hamilton Is this all Lst tying down? Or topped? Just starting autos in living soil. I too once. I never have any run off. My soil is healthy really healthy. I don’t flush. Will I ever see a fade?

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Day: 30


Nothing much new today, didn’t do any adjustments just yet so gonna keep working with her as she needs it.

2 years ago

Day: 29


Starting week 5 today and everything looks good. Went out of town on Saturday and just got back today and surprisingly, the wife did a decent job of taking care of this girl. She was ready for water when I got back so she got a quarter gallon with nutes and continued with LST.

2 years ago

Day: 23


Continued a bit with the LST and tied out a few more branches. Gonna up her water intake a bit tomorrow and give her almost a quarter gallon.

2 years ago

Day: 22


Starting week 4 and started LST with her today. Gave her the first bend over and tie down and will give her a day or two then I’ll start tying out some of the other branches. Gave her about 10 ounces of water today too.

2 years ago

Day: 20


Gonna be starting some LST with her in the next few days. Today she just got about 400 ML’s of water and other than that, she’s looking great.

2 years ago

Day: 19


She’s gonna be ready for a bit more water tomorrow. Didn’t really do much today other than some daily pictures.

2 years ago

Day: 18


Gave her another 300 ML’s or so of water today and she’s looking healthy so far. Gonna let her get a little bit more growth going then starting some LST.

2 years ago

Day: 16


Just gave the soil a light spray of water and will give her another 250-300 ML’s of water tomorrow.

2 years ago

Day: 15


Starting week 3 and looking good and decent growth going so far. Gave her about 250 ML’s of water tonight and slipped her back into the tent.

2 years ago

Day: 14


The end of week 2 and she’s looking good after giving her a decent amount of water yesterday. Didn’t do much with her today other than some pictures.

2 years ago

Day: 13


All looking good and still not a whole lot going on at the moment. Just keeping the humidity up and letting her go for now. I did end up giving her about 150 ML’s of water around the base of her stalk.

2 years ago

Day: 9


Another day down and just gave her about 30 ML’s of water today. Other than that, nothing new today.

2 years ago

Day: 8


Starting week 2 and all going well and looking nice and healthy. Not much to really speak of, just gave her a light foliar spray and that’s about it.

2 years ago

Day: 7


The end of week 1 and so far so good and there doesn’t seem to be any issues. I decided to give a little water around here, about 20ML’s.

2 years ago


GoldenTiger Is this day 7 from seed in soil?


Luvs2Grow Yup, I started counting when her taproot popped and I put her in soil. Took another two days or so before she finally broke through the soil.


GoldenTiger Very nice, we started the same day. Though I am growing Photos. One day I will try Autos

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Day: 6


Doing well and looking good but not much to speak of in these early stages. I did add a bit of soil to the pot so she’s not as flimsy. Humidity is still around 70-75% in the tent so keeping the humidity covers off still.

2 years ago

Day: 5


Nothing much new today, just a normal light foliar spray. Humidity is finally up quite a bit so keeping the humidity cover off for a bit.

2 years ago

Day: 4


She’s finally up and out of the soil and opened up. Other than that, just doing a little foliar spray and keeping her humidity cover on for a bit.

2 years ago

Day: 1

First day in the soil for this girl. Taproot isn’t fully out yet but she’s cracked open and started so she’s in her 3 gallon fabric pot and the ten. Just waiting for her to pop through the soil now.

2 years ago