

12/12 Light Seedling

Round 2

Miscellaneous seeds, first attempt at SOG method with my 12/12 from seed method.


Day 2 (Week 1)

4 updates

10 photos

Day: 2


5/6 growing nicely, watered with r/v mixture. About an inch of growth in a 24hr time

3 years ago

Day: 1

Three seedlings burst through with the other three closely behind. Watered with root/veg mix

3 years ago

Day: 0

Planting in coco, pre wet with clone x (30ml/g), and ff grow big (3ml/g)

3 years ago

Day: 0

Watered and planted, will be on heat map on same 12/12 cycle as round 1 plant.

3 years ago