

Outdoor Conglomerate

Summer 2022

Paonia 50/50 Bomb Organic Living Soil

Durango OG, Say Less, Gary Poppins, Musty Buffalo, Velvet Heat

Day 109 (Week 16)



7 updates

62 photos

Day: 109


My outdoor ladies, working on getting some more water into a few plants otherwise gooood. 2/3 - Say Less (Exotic Genetics) 4/5 - Velvet Heat (Exotic 🧬) 6/7 - Gary Poppins/Durango OG(flower Pic). 8 - Soil show w some fungi. 9 - L - Velvet Heat (easily the biggest plant, just consumed the one next to it) R- Musty Buffalo (Exotic) 10 - Musty Buffalo 11 - Banana Kush Auto (from bag seed)

3 years ago

Day: 109


The greenhouse. 1-3 - Gary Poppins (Exotic 🧬) 4/5 - Durango OG (La Plata Labs)

3 years ago

Family Pharm Fluff

Family Pharm Fluff Cool genetics man

Day: 103


1. Group pic 2. 2 Say Less (Exotic Genetics) 3. 2 Velvet Heat (Exotic Freebies) 4. L-Gary Poppins(Exotic) R-Durango OG (La Plata Labs). 5. Close up of Durango OG in pic 4, this plant is like a week or more ahead of everything else. 6. Velvet Heat 7.Musty Buffalo (Exotic Freebies). 8. Bag seed of Banana Kush auto from last season( plant was in flower then snapped in half, kept watering and it went crazy) (I think it was ILGM seeds)

3 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Hell ya that’s awesome brother 😎


ig:@eaegifts Looks great just missing a shady spot wit the rocking chair to hang wit the ladies lol


indork 💪🏽💪🏽

Day: 95


Anyone have an idea what could be causing this fade on the leaves. It happened almost simultaneously with entering flower. Just never seen it fade from dark to light and then stay light, and still be healthy. Only plant doing this, even within its container it’s the only plant with this lightening.

3 years ago


pjizzle I’m guessing what h feeding first and medium


pjizzle What are u feeding By medium I mean peat or coco or native mic


groomian03 It’s in Paonia 50/50 coco, peat moss living soil. This one also has some extra compost mixed in.

Day: 94


Mushrooms popped up in my greenhouse beds. Gary Poppins - Exotic Genetics first 2 pics. Durango OG - La Plata Labs aecond 2.

3 years ago


HeritageSecretGarden Awesome looks great


FatBuds101 Almost looks like a Psilocybin. But I don’t think the stem is right. That’s how u know you have a live bed.

Day: 94


1. Say Less - Exotic Genetics. 2. Durango OG - La Plata Labs. 3. Left(Garry Poppins - Exotic) Right (Durango OG). 4. Velvet Heat - Freebie from Exotic. 5.Left(Velvet Heat) Right(Musty Buffalo - Exotic Freebies). 6. Musty Buffalo. 7. Bag seed of Banana Kush Auto from last year, the thing was in flower, broke in half from the wind. Then re-vegged and is going crazy in flower again. All organic Paonia Soil, cover crop.

3 years ago


FatBuds101 What are you using for beds? What size and if there’s a brand what it is? I’m always looking for white beds to keep roots cooler?


groomian03 Funny you should ask. They are actually grey 50 gal sterilite food safe bins. I live in a place w some INTENSE ass sun too, so I just spray painted them white. Works verrrryyy well. Did a test between spray painted and not, at least 10 degree difference in soil temp


FatBuds101 So there just like 50 gallon storage totes?

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Day: 92


Last weeks pics. Happy w this grow so far. Everything is probably 2-3 weeks into flower.

3 years ago