
Random seeds


10 plants of random seeds that have been collected thru the year, using fox farms happy frog mix and using a 4x2.5x6.5 greenhouse


Day 33 (Week 5)


6 updates

38 photos

Day: 33


transplanted some to 3 gallon fabric pots, gonna start food next week for them, 4 new tops coming in and that will be all for topping/mainlining. i didn’t main line all of them just to see how they would come out. i do plan to get a 200w led light to bring them inside at night until mid july and then put them back out to flower

6 months ago

Day: 19


topped K#4, K#2, and J#2 to get them started on the mainlining process, others to follow when 5th node is grown out enough, may keep more fan leaves next time just because they’re a tad smaller. K#3 has some fat leaves i’m loving and J#1 seems to be the runt as of now. K#5 got trashed and replaced with a “blue widow” seed. on day 30 i’m hoping to transplant to 2 gallon pots where they will spend the rest of their lives.

7 months ago

Day: 10


moving along… K#5 is the runt but was also 3 days late to the party, let’s see

7 months ago

Day: 7


K#2 is moving nicely

7 months ago

Day: 3

day 3 and they’re looking good, watered down and ready for the night

7 months ago

Day: 1


day one after potting them over night. ants hate cinnamon btw

7 months ago