
White Widow - 2020

First Photoperiod

1 White Widow in DIY box with Viparspectra 450w. Grown in fabric pots with Biobizz Light Mix and Biobizz nuterients. First attempt at topping/mainlining. Plan to move outside when the weather improves.

White Widow

Day 37 (Week 6)

2 updates

2 photos

Day: 37

Added a small humidifier which has improved overall R/H. Recovery from manifolding and growth has improved. Bi-tri daily feeds, still only using CalMag and 1ml:1L Bio-Grow. Waiting on terrible weather to go so she can continue outside!

5 years ago

Day: 28

The plant has been on 20/4 light schedule, transplanted up from 3.8l to 10l fabric pot. Slowing when topped but bouncing back after a day or two. Under dosing Bio-grow and tripe strength CalMag.

5 years ago