

Mandarin cookies organic cloning

July 2021

Aloe, RO water, rapid rooter & 45watt Full spectrum light

Mandarin cookies

Day 100 (Week 15)

10 updates

10 photos

Day: 100


3 years ago


bigsammy Congratulations

mariaj Where did you get these seeds if you don’t mind me asking?

mariaj Is that the 420 fastbuds stuff and if so what Swedbank did theses come from?

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Day: 92


3 years ago


dolomight Wow🔥


IGrowHowIGrow I like Mandarin Cookies smoke! Good mother from the looks of these beauties!


Funky84 Nice 💪🏻

Day: 85


3 years ago

Day: 53

Screen of green

3 years ago

Day: 47


3 years ago

Day: 47


3 years ago

Day: 18

Growing nicely

3 years ago

Day: 11


3 years ago

Day: 4


3 years ago

Day: 0

18/4 40watt full spectrum light

3 years ago