1st Grow
Micro 450w CFL Grow
Biobizz light mix soil with Biobizz Nutes incl. root juice and GHE CalMag
Auto Glueberry OG - DP
Day 7 (Week 1)
4 updates
4 photos
Day: 7
Plant had a long period without light, between 12/24 hours, had some technical difficulties. Seems to be doing fine though. She received a 500ml watering of 1ml/L root juice ph’ed at 6.4. I tried to spread the watering around the edges of the pot to make her roots stretch for the feed.
5 years ago
Dukeshaba 👍🏻 make sure you don’t put it to far away though lol
Day: 5
Under new bulb seedling doing well, 450w dual spectrum cfl with reflector. Watered pot 500ml mixed with root juice 1ml/L only.(ph’d to 6.4)
5 years ago
Day: 4
Seedling now standing upright and another set of leafs appear. Root juice was given at the time the seed went in at 1ml/l but since that no other feeding just small amounts of water everyday to hydrate growing medium. Not sure about the significance of the red/purple stem, any thoughts would be nice.
5 years ago
Dukeshaba 👍🏻
Day: 3
Day of seed sprouting. Growth started nicely started under 4 lower wattage bulbs to break her in. Bulbs are 2700k but think it’ll be fine as 450w dual spec is arriving soon.
5 years ago