Glueberry O.G. Gnome Bonsaï
Bonsaï Experiments
Closer insight @coyote420growreserve
Glueberry O.G.
Day 91 (Week 13)
5 updates
5 photos
Day: 91
The mentioned deficiencies
4 years ago
NovaCanee It’s Definitely Too Much Water Or Lack Water Plus Nute burn I Would Flush Them With Some Sledgehammer And Check Your P.H After Flush Give It A Few Days To Recover The New Growth Should Be Good The Old Leaves I’m Sorry You Get Back After It’s Enough New Growth I Would Pull Off The Old Leaves They Would Be Just Taking Up Energy And Nutes Where The Plant Can Be Using That Else Where
Day: 91
Déficits of? Can someone give a diagnostics. I do this with instinct. Don’t know much tho . Please share some knowledge if you see something I don’t. :)
4 years ago
combatmedic81 How often are you giving nutes?
Day: 57
Continuing LST some leaves are missing parts. Hope not plague
4 years ago
Day: 57
Having this sister Glueberry O.G. On life support ever since the start of the grow. Always received the same treatment as the Gnome bonsaï. Around week 2-3 she just stayed back and flushed the soil only’ et been feeding her plain water ph 6.2-4. She is showing new growth, nice palm tree for the bonsaï project ;)
4 years ago
Day: 57
@coyote420growreserve - you have to start somewhere :)
4 years ago
Cjcis1 Damn so thick lol
VinceGrowing That low stress training is gonna pay off 💪🏽