Gorilla glue #4 auto
Gorilla glue auto in a 2x4, temps at 24 Celsius and 54% humidity
Gorilla glue #4
Day 79 (Week 12)
4 updates
14 photos
Day: 79

Am I doing this right? I just stopped giving nutrients like 3 days ago and went to ph’d water only. Light is at 90% it’s a mix joy 2000watt at 29” above.
2 years ago
Day: 29

Help!!! Update: tip of one leave is yellow and burnt but the light is 30” away and only on 50% it’s a VIVOSUN 100w. Another leave has born and white on it and is dry i don’t know what it is. left it unwatered for a day and a half to dry up bc they were over watered. The little red spots have started turning yellow I’m wondering if it’s a calcium deficiency. There is no bugs under any of the leaves. The soil ph is around 7.8 I know it needs to come down but I don’t know how to fix it sum1 help!
2 years ago
bigbudz1776 Possible that you got water on the leafs? That will burn them that way a lot of times if they stay wet with the light on. I always try to make sure I don’t get the leafs wet.
Day: 25

Please help! Some of the leave is dark green and other parts are like green, I have white powdery mildew and tiny holes in the leaves. Yellow tip on one leave as well
2 years ago
phigtrees Hey! Hate to hear you’re having issues! The PM could be due to your humidity and temperature being off. I’d check the humidity of the room and make sure it’s within range.. Deficiencies cause your leaves to change color.. not sure exactly what you have but I would guess some sort of Nitrogen issue… either too much or lack thereof.. deficiencies could also cause the holes in your leaves . That or bugs.. I’d check under the leaves for insects.. Hopefully this helps or someone with more knowledge may be able to further assist 💚
Day: 4

54% humidity and 24 Celsius with 25% light 30” above plant
2 years ago