
Growing but lost

What should I do next

This was a pretty unorganized grow but plant is going good with just sunlight through window and tap water (soil ocean forest). Honestly I wanna know what to do next. Plant is around 4 months and has never been trimmed/Pruned.

Random seed

Day 104 (Week 15)

1 update

5 photos

Day: 104

What should I do next or is this plant a lost cause?

3 years ago

Chief Smokalot

Chief Smokalot Just keep it happy. It looks happy. The flowering cycle will start on its own once it starts to only receive 12 hours of light. Start feeding her some Unsulfered molasses by mixing a heaping tablespoon into a gallon of water. She’ll benefit a lot from it . You could buy it at the grocery store too

karuuu Thanks👌🏽

karuuu So chief should I not trim or prune it?