
Apricot Papaya Journal

Seed grow

First grow from seed and my method is DWC in a 5 gallon bucket. Currently for my set up I’m using a 2.3x2.3 tent by Mars Hydro, my light is the Mars Hydro TSW2000, my intake is the AC Infinity Cloudline t6, and last I have 2 fans. One of the fans is inside the tent while the other one is outside blowing air inside the tent through one of the vents. The way I germinated is soaking some rockwool in 5.5 ph water for an hour or so, then proceeded to drop the seed in. I sadly don’t have photos of the beginning but she sprouted on the 28th, just 4 days after I germinated.

Greencrack X Papaya

Day 11 (Week 2)

1 update

3 photos

Day: 11


Transplant day!!! There was 2 roots coming out the bottom of the rockwool so figured it was time to transplant. For nutrients, I’m using General Hydroponics 6-part nutrient line and Hydroguard. I filled my bucket with tap water, roughly 3.5 gallons, then made a 50% strength nutrient batch of the light feeding schedule. In total, my PPM is about 380 but my tap water PPM is 200. By doing simple subtraction, my nutrient PPM is about 180.

3 years ago