

BSE x LF OG one

strain one

started in a cup as a seedling until the roots shot out of the bottom. starting the journal on the first day of veg (2x2x4 tent, coco)

best shit ever x lemon fire OG

Day 50 (Week 8)


28 updates

63 photos

Day: 50


split a little over a gallon between the three. 1tsp calmag, 6tsp big bloom, 1 1/2tsp grow big, 1tsp tiger bloom, pH 5.8.

13 hours ago

luxraan She looks really weak


agendercannabis she was thirsty

luxraan Oh okay haha

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Day: 47



4 days ago

Day: 45

watered with 1 tsp calmag, 3 tsp big bloom, 2 tsp grow big, and 2 tsp tiger bloom, pHed to 6.2. all were given a gallon to split between the three. watered until runoff

5 days ago

Day: 41


massaged the stem and tied them down a bit over 90Β°

10 days ago

Day: 40



10 days ago

Day: 39

transplanted them all to 1G pots, fed with pH 6.1, big bloom (6tsp), grow big (2tsp), and calmag (1tsp)

11 days ago

Day: 37



13 days ago

Day: 36


trimmed a little; removed leaves that were wilted; only had to remove a few. most just pulled off without any force

14 days ago


combatmedic81 Are you going to top? Or is it an auto?


agendercannabis going to top, had the stress from underwatering i wanted it to recover from first

Day: 35



15 days ago


BizzareLand Coming back nicely! sense those bottom leafs are dead remove them instead of keeping them no point in continuing growth in the dead


agendercannabis super happy they are coming back!! thank you for the advice. i’ll be cutting those leaves now. wasn’t sure if it was better to let them suck everything out of the leaves or not


BizzareLand Yea man glad they recovered, hence the name β€œweed” cannabis can take a beating pretty rough and bounce back %100. People will say it’ll be too much stress on them but it’s not if anything and for your situations it’s better.

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Day: 34


went on vacation for the holidays. they looked much worse this morning. split a gallon of feed with 6 tsp of big bloom and ~2 tsp of grow big in the morning, these were taken around 10 hours later

17 days ago

Day: 25


25 days ago

Day: 23


a month ago

Day: 22

RO water/~1tsp 2-0-0 calmag/~4tsp big bloom/2tsp grow big. pH 6.3. 1 gallon split among three plants

a month ago

Day: 21

they’re thirsty

a month ago

Day: 20


a month ago

Day: 19


a month ago

Day: 18


a month ago

Day: 16

1/2 gallon RO water, 1 tbsp 2-0-0 calmag, ~3 tbsp 0-0.5-0.7 ff big bloom, pH 6.2, split between the three plants

a month ago

Day: 11


a month ago

Day: 10


a month ago

Day: 8


a month ago

Day: 7


a month ago

Day: 6


a month ago

Day: 5


2 months ago

Day: 4

watered ph-6. fox farms big bloom-1/2 tsp and grow big-1/8 tsp. the three plants split a little over half a gallon. watered until runoff

2 months ago

Day: 3


2 months ago

Day: 2


2 months ago

Day: 1


2 months ago