Purple punch
Roots organic lush
Purple punch
Day 16 (Week 3)
2 updates
3 photos
Day: 16

Help! First time grower and found two of these on my indoor setup. From googling looks like they’re aphids? Any suggestions on how to get rid of them / kill anymore if so? Thanks!
3 years ago
420lowell Hard to be sure but aphid seems like the right guess to me. Normally a telltale sign of aphids is the honeydew they leave on plants, but with pot we already expect the plants to be a little sticky. I use something called Pyganic which has worked well for me. That said, there’s a *ton* of stuff written online by more experienced growers with all sorts of advice. Aphids (and other plant pests) are really annoying, but can be defeated, and it seems like you spotted them early.
Peng Yeah I reckon that is aphid
Peng Aphid doesn’t lay eggs they birth live young as far as I know, they are F tier insect a stupid slow mover, should be easy to deal with
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Day: 4

Hi everyone, its my first time attempting a grow and I just bought this clone a few days ago. Ive included two pictures, one from when I got them the other day and one from today as it seems like the leafs are starting to curl and brown more. They are in roots organic lush soil in a 5gal fabric pots. Led Lights are at 24inches on an 18x6 cycle. Any help advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
3 years ago
steezykayla How long ago did you plant it ? How much water did you give it?
ramtown732 I planted it the day I got it (about 3 days ago now). I gave it one cup the day I got it and one cup yesterday.
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